Category : Source of Information
Subcategory : International Organizations
Record 26 to 50 from 107

26. World Health Organization - Protection of the Human Environment:
Pollution - Wastes - Hazardous substances
 This site presents WHO's work to assist its Member States and their populations in achieving a sustainable basis for health for all by ensuring an environment that promotes health, and by making individuals and organizations aware of their responsibility for health and its environmental basis.
27. EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL BUREAU Federation of Environmental Citizens Organization:
International Conventions - Law - Legislation - International Organizations (International Contracts)
 The EEB is a federation of 134 environmental citizens organisations based in all EU Member States and most Accession countries, as well as a few neighbouring countries. They range from local and national to European and international. The aim of the EEB is to protect and improve the environment of Europe and to enable the citizens of Europe to play their part in achieving that goal The EEB office in Brussels was established in 1974 to provide as a focal point for its members to monitor and respond to the emerging EU environmental policy.
28. EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL BUREAU Federation of Environmental Citizens Organization:
Development - Sustainability - Sustainable Development
 The EEB is a federation of 134 environmental citizens organisations based in all EU Member States and most Accession countries, as well as a few neighbouring countries. They range from local and national to European and international. The aim of the EEB is to protect and improve the environment of Europe and to enable the citizens of Europe to play their part in achieving that goal The EEB office in Brussels was established in 1974 to provide as a focal point for its members to monitor and respond to the emerging EU environmental policy.
29. EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL BUREAU's web-page on Climate change and Energy:
Biosphere - Climate Change
 The EEB is a federation of 134 environmental citizens organisations based in all EU Member States and most Accession countries, as well as a few neighbouring countries. They range from local and national to European and international. The aim of the EEB is to protect and improve the environment of Europe and to enable the citizens of Europe to play their part in achieving that goal The EEB office in Brussels was established in 1974 to provide as a focal point for its members to monitor and respond to the emerging EU environmental policy.
30. EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL BUREAU's web-page on waste:
Pollution - Wastes - Waste
 The EEB is a federation of 134 environmental citizens organisations based in all EU Member States and most Accession countries, as well as a few neighbouring countries. They range from local and national to European and international. The aim of the EEB is to protect and improve the environment of Europe and to enable the citizens of Europe to play their part in achieving that goal The EEB office in Brussels was established in 1974 to provide as a focal point for its members to monitor and respond to the emerging EU environmental policy.
31. International Vegeterian Union - Health & Nutrition ( IVU Science):
Quality of Life - Health
 The International Vegetarian Union is a non-profit making organisation with membership open to any non-profit organisation that advocates vegetarianism and is governed exclusively by vegetarians. A Supporter of IVU may be any individual, family or organisation that supports the aims and objectives of IVU, regardless of whether they are vegetarian or not. This particular section of the library concers "Health & Nutrition (IVU Science) ".
Pollution - Wastes - Air pollution
 The EEB is a federation of 134 environmental citizens organisations based in all EU Member States and most Accession countries, as well as a few neighbouring countries. They range from local and national to European and international. The aim of the EEB is to protect and improve the environment of Europe and to enable the citizens of Europe to play their part in achieving that goal The EEB office in Brussels was established in 1974 to provide as a focal point for its members to monitor and respond to the emerging EU environmental policy.
33. Animal Production and Health Division of FAO:
Development - Sustainability - Cattle-breeding (Animal husbandry)
 The Animal Production and Health Division is entrusted with clarifying and facilitating the role of global livestock production in food security and food safety, as well as in poverty alleviation while protecting the environment.
34. World Health Organization - Protection of the Human Environment- Water and Sanitation Water Sanitation section:
Natural Environment - Water resources management
 This site presents WHO's work to assist its Member States and their populations in achieving a sustainable basis for health for all by ensuring an environment that promotes health, and by making individuals and organizations aware of their responsibility for health and its environmental basis. This section contains information about Water and sanitation
35. World Health Organization - Protection of the Human Environment - Health care waste management Health care waste management section:
Pollution - Wastes - Hospital wastes
 This site presents WHO's work to assist its Member States and their populations in achieving a sustainable basis for health for all by ensuring an environment that promotes health, and by making individuals and organizations aware of their responsibility for health and its environmental basis. This section contains information about health care waste management.
36. World Health Organization - Protection of the Human Environment - Climate and Health section:
Biosphere - Climate
 This site presents WHO's work to assist its Member States and their populations in achieving a sustainable basis for health for all by ensuring an environment that promotes health, and by making individuals and organizations aware of their responsibility for health and its environmental basis. This section contains information about climate and health.
37. Women, health & environment:
Political Ecology - Movements - Women - Ecofeminism
 This Anthology is part of a teaching package aimed at enhancing information in the area of women, health and environment, and encouraging teaching and research around the issues it contains. It cannot provide answers to the many difficult questions raised, although we hope that teachers, students, or other users may be inspired to undertake or promote further research on these or similar issues, thus bridging the gaps in existing knowledge in the interrelated areas of women, health and environment.
38. The World Tourism Organization:
Development - Sustainability - Tourism (Development)
 The World Tourism Organization is the leading international organization in the field of travel and tourism. It serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism know-how WTO's membership includes 139 countries and territories and more than 350 Affiliate Members representing local government, tourism associations and private sector companies, including airlines, hotel groups and tour operators.
39. International Vegeterian Union:
Quality of Life - Vegetarianism
 The International Vegetarian Union is a non-profit making organisation with membership open to any non-profit organisation that advocates vegetarianism and is governed exclusively by vegetarians. A Supporter of IVU may be any individual, family or organisation that supports the aims and objectives of IVU, regardless of whether they are vegetarian or not.
40. International Vegeterian Union - Animals & Environment:
Natural Environment - Animals
 The International Vegetarian Union is a non-profit making organisation with membership open to any non-profit organisation that advocates vegetarianism and is governed exclusively by vegetarians. A Supporter of IVU may be any individual, family or organisation that supports the aims and objectives of IVU, regardless of whether they are vegetarian or not. This particular section of the library concers "Animals & Environment".
41. EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL BUREAU's web-page on water:
Natural Environment - Water resources management
 The EEB is a federation of 134 environmental citizens organisations based in all EU Member States and most Accession countries, as well as a few neighbouring countries. They range from local and national to European and international. The aim of the EEB is to protect and improve the environment of Europe and to enable the citizens of Europe to play their part in achieving that goal The EEB office in Brussels was established in 1974 to provide as a focal point for its members to monitor and respond to the emerging EU environmental policy.
42. Global Environment Facility:
Natural Environment - Water resources management
 The Global Environment Facility was established to forge international cooperation and finance actions to address four critical threats to the global environment: biodiversity loss, climate change, degradation of international waters, and ozone depletion. Related work to stem the pervasive problem of land degradation is also eligible for GEF funding.
43. Organic Agriculture at FAO:
Development - Sustainability - Organic cultivation
 The aim of this Website is to offer information on organic agriculture available at FAO. It also functions as a "road map" whereby users are directed to other relevant websites.
44. CADDET Renewable Energy IEA / OECD:
Energy - Renewable energy sources
 CADDET Renewable Energy is an International Energy Agency agreement for the exchange of information on commercial renewable energy projects and has been operating since 1993. CADDET stands for Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies.
45. The United Nations framework convention on climate change:
Biosphere - Climate
 The site provides Parties, representatives of observer organisations and others interested in the UNFCCC process, with a one-stop source of news, data, information and documents. Information is organised under seven main headings: What's New, The Secretariat, Programmes, Resources, Sessions, Media Room and Site Information.
46. Office to combat desertification and drought:
Biosphere - Decertification (Biosphere)
 The Office to Combat Desertification and Drought of UNDP is responsible for leading and supporting the organization's efforts to promote sustainable human development in the drylands. The Office is located in the Environmentally Sustainable Development Group (ESDG) of the Bureau for Development Policy (BDP). In line with UNDP's new business plan, UNSO will support policy dialogue and institutional capacity building to help countries to integrate dryland issues into national development planning frameworks
47. United Nations Secreteriat of the Convention to Combat Desertification:
Biosphere - Decertification (Biosphere)
 This is the second generation of the UNCCD website launched in June 2000. It was designed to facilitate the access to the official documents maintained or received by the secretariat (COP-documents, Reports and Action Programmes) for the participants of the COP-process as well as to establish a general source of information on the topic of desertification for the interested public. This page provides technical instructions about the usage of the CCD website and details how to achieve an optimal browsing experience.
48. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:
Biosphere - Climate Change
 Recognizing the problem of potential global climate change the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988. It is open to all members of the UNEP and WMO. The role of the IPCC is to assess the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant for the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change. It does not carry out new research nor does it monitor climate related data. It bases its assessment mainly on published and peer reviewed scientific technical literature.
49. International Emissions Trading Association (IETA):
Biosphere - Greenhouse effect (Biosphere)
 The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) is a non-profit organization created in June 1999 to establish a functional international framework for trading greenhouse gas emission reductions. Our membership includes leading international companies from across the carbon trading cycle. IETA members seek to development an emissions trading regime that results in real and verifiable greenhouse gas emission reductions balancing economic efficiency with environmental integrity and social equity.
50. The Climate Change Knowledge Network:
Biosphere - Climate Change
 The Climate Change Knowledge Network brings together expertise, experience and perspectives from more than a dozen organizations from developing, transitional and developed countries. Limited resources, knowledge and capacity in developing countries, and lack of dialogue and understanding between industrialized and developing countries, obstruct progress toward international efforts to address climate change. The Climate Change Knowledge Network aims to help address these gaps by facilitating focused research and capacity building in developing and developed countries, with sustainable development as the overall goal

Record 26 to 50 from 107