Category : Type of information
Subcategory : Pictures - Images
Records 26 to 50 from 104

26. Environmental Defense :
Development - Sustainability - Sustainable Development
 Environmental Defense is a leading national non-profit organization representing more than 300,000 members. Since 1967, we have linked science, economics, and law to create innovative, equitable, and cost-effective solutions to the most urgent environmental problems.
27. Ámphivion :
Natural Environment - Natural wetlands
 “AMPHIBION” is a sixteen-page bimonthly newsletter, first published in April 1993. Since August 1997, the second period of publication has started with financial support from the Greek Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. The objectives of AMPHIBION are the environmental public awareness and the information on renewable natural resources. It is edited in 7000 copies and the main themes are management of natural resources, information about protected areas, activities of EKBY and other environmental organizations, forthcoming conferences, etc.
28. World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) :
Development - Sustainability - Tourism (Development)
 The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is the global business leaders' forum for Travel & Tourism. Its Members are Chief Executives from all sectors of industry, including accommodation, catering, entertainment, recreation, transportation and other travel-related services. Founded in April 1990, WTTC policies are set and implemented by a Member Executive Committee, a President and a small staff in London, with representative offices in North & South America, Asia/Pacific and Europe.
29. FAO - Desertification :
Biosphere - Decertification (Biosphere)
 The Web site contains technical and scientific data and information, available at FAO, as well as links to a number of highly informative Web sites on desertification. The information provided in this site represents a significant share of the FAO knowledge and expertise on sustainable development and drylands management.
30. Municipality of Amaroussion :
Transports - Urban transport
 The municipality of Amarousiou as far as the environment is concerned has provided the citizens with the possibility of using the municipal Transportation without fee. In addition the municipality aims at producing conditions for the unobstructed movement and transportation in the city, and also regulating the use of roads in such a way so that vehicles, public means of transportation and pedestrians are able to move in harmony. Also the municipality promotes protection of the environment and of the natural resources, it intervenes in a dynamic way in subjects of urban planning and waste management. Finally the municipality of Amarousiou is the place where the Olympic games are going to be conducted, therefore the city is going to be improved.
31. World Health Organization :
Quality of Life - Health
 Founded in 1948, the World Health Organization leads the world alliance for Health for All. A specialized agency of the United Nations with 191 Member States, WHO promotes technical cooperation for health among nations, carries out programmes to control and eradicate disease and strives to improve the quality of human life.
32. UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization :
Biosphere - International Organizations (Biosphere)
 UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, was established on 16th of November 1945. It has its headquarters in Paris, France and 73 field offices and units in different parts of the world.The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, by the Charter of the United Nations.
33. The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) :
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Genetics
 The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) was originally established in 1989 as The National Center for Human Genome Research (NCHGR). Its mission is to head the Human Genome Project for the National Institutes of Health (NIH)., NHGRI is one of 24 institutes, centers, or divisions that make up the NIH, the federal government's primary agency for the support of biomedical research. The collective research components of the NIH make up the largest biomedical research facility in the world. NIH is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Anthropogenic Environment - Ecological construction
 The Green Building Resource Guide is a database of over 600 green building materials and products selected specifically for their usefulness to the design and building professions, rather than merely their green material content.
35. EPA Explore's Club :
Environmental Education - Environmental education
 Welcome to the Explore's Club - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's website for kids(ages 5-12). Get ready to explore your environment and learn about the neat things you can do to protect it. There are games, pictures, and stories and other fun things.
36. Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre (or EKBY) :
Natural Environment - Natural wetlands
 EKBY has adopted the policies and nature conservation principles of the Goulandris Natural History Museum. It was established in 1991 by the Museum with European Community funding and the support of the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), following an application by the Greek Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works.EKBY's overall objective is to promote the sustainability of renewable natural resources in Greece and in the rest of Europe and the Mediterranean region.
37. National Wildlife Federation :
Natural Environment - Wild nature
 The National Wildlife Federation is the nation's largest member-supported conservation group, uniting individuals, organizations, businesses and government to protect wildlife, wild places, and the environment.
38. European Environment Agency :
International Conventions - Law - Legislation - Environmental Institutions (International Contracts)
 The EEA aims to support sustainable development and to help achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe's environment through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy making agents and the public.
39. / :
Development - Sustainability - Biological cultivation (organic farming) is a fresh internet site, which aims at becoming an up-to-date and complete database of information concerning bioclimatic energy planning, renewable energy sources, energy preservation, as well as the study, construction, purchase and equipment of buildings that can meet up to the modern needs for housing or the business demands.
40. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory :
Energy - Renewable energy sources
 As the nation's leading center for renewable energy research, NREL is developing new energy technologies to benefit both the environment and the economy.
41. / :
Development - Sustainability - Sustainable Development is a fresh internet site, which aims at becoming an up-to-date and complete database of information concerning bioclimatic energy planning, renewable energy sources, energy preservation, as well as the study, construction, purchase and equipment of buildings that can meet up to the modern needs for housing or the business demands.
42. Athens International Airport :
Transports - Air ports
 An innovative co-operation between the public sector and private initiative, the "Athens International Airport S.A" is a privately managed company, responsible for the construction and operation of the airport "Eleftherios Venizelos" for a total period of 30 years.
43. Climate Action Network :
Biosphere - Climate
 The Climate Action Network (CAN) is a global network of over 287 Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels. CAN members work to achieve this goal through the coordination of information exchange and NGO strategy on international, regional and national climate issues. CAN has seven regional coordinating offices which co-ordinate these efforts in Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, Europe, Latin America, North America, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Diverse environmental organizations from around the globe, ranging from large international groups such as World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, to small local groups in developing countries such as Terre Vivante in Mauritania and the Green Coalition in the Philippines, work collaboratively within CAN.
44. Los Angeles World Airports :
Transports - Air ports
 As the aviation authority for the nation's second largest city, and hub of one of the world's most populous metropolitan areas, Los Angeles World Airports is faced with the challenges of providing an airport system to serve a major portion of the Southern California market.
45. AGP Plant Production and Protection Division of FAO :
Development - Sustainability - Agriculture
 AGP addresses the development of sustainable agricultural systems to improve crop and grassland productivity to create conditions for enhanced food security and general economic development and to conserve the environment through the development of agriculture's biological resources.
46. Sustainable Horticulture Website at the University of New Hampshire :
Development - Sustainability - Horticulture - Gardening
 This site describes research and education on sustainable horticulture.
47. Organic Farming Research Foundation :
Development - Sustainability - Biological cultivation (organic farming)
 To sponsor research related to organic farming practices, to disseminate research results to organic farmers and to growers interested in adopting organic production systems, to educate the public and decision-makers about organic farming issues.
48. Hellenic Railways Organization :
Transports - Railway
 OSE is today a modern and fast growing organization. Its operational system has been modernised and is continuously investing on its services and products, to meet its customer needs and follow the changing trends!
49. :
Anthropogenic Environment - Bioclimatic architecture (passive Solar architecture) is a fresh internet site, which aims at becoming an up-to-date and complete database of information concerning bioclimatic energy planning, renewable energy sources, energy preservation, as well as the study, construction, purchase and equipment of buildings that can meet up to the modern needs for housing or the business demands.
50. EPA's web-page on water :
Pollution - Wastes - Water pollution
 EPA enforces federal clean water and safe drinking water laws, provides support for municipal wastewater treatment plants, and takes part in pollution prevention efforts aimed at protecting watersheds an d sources of drinking water. The Agency carries out both regulatory and voluntary programs to fulfill its mission to protect the nation's waters.

Records 26 to 50 from 104