Category : Type of information
Subcategory : Search engines on the Internet
Records 1 to 19 from 19

1. - Ecology / Environment Environmental Philosophy :
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Ecology (as Science)
 This website features thousands of annotated links and text resources for students and teachers in the field of Ecology, Environmental Science and Environmental Philosophy.
2. - Ecology / Environment Environmental Philosophy :
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Philosophy
 This website features thousands of annotated links and text resources for students and teachers in the field of Ecology, Environmental Science and Environmental Philosophy.
3. Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide :
International Conventions - Law - Legislation - Law - Degrees
 The Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide includes over 1,500 annotate links to admiralty law resources on the Internet and a growing database of admiralty case digests and opinions, arbitration award abstracts and international maritime conventions. The emphasis is on the law of the United States and the focus is on Internet resources that can be used in an effective and practical manner by admiralty attorneys and maritime professionals.
4. Ecosustainable Hub :
Development - Sustainability - Sustainable Development
 Ecosustainable Hub's site is intended as our contribution towards ecology, environment and sustainability by providing a one-stop connection to resources and tools that are made available to visitors and researchers without charge. It is also intended to provide a means of introducing Eco Sustainable Developments to a broader audience.
5. The National Environment Education Training Foundation :
Environmental Education - Programs - Activities
 The National Environment Education Training Foundation’s mission is to develop and support environmental learning programs in order to meet social goals, such as improved health, better education, and "greener," more profitable business.
6. National Environmental Education Advancement Project :
Environmental Education - Programs - Activities
 The National Environmental Education Advancement Project (NEEAP), located at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, is a national organization which aids state and local environmental education leaders in promoting their environmental education efforts, and develops informational items on building state capacity for environmental education.
7. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory :
Energy - Renewable energy sources
 As the nation's leading center for renewable energy research, NREL is developing new energy technologies to benefit both the environment and the economy.
8. Animal Production and Health Division of FAO :
Development - Sustainability - Cattle-breeding (Animal husbandry)
 The Animal Production and Health Division is entrusted with clarifying and facilitating the role of global livestock production in food security and food safety, as well as in poverty alleviation while protecting the environment.
9. AGP Plant Production and Protection Division of FAO :
Development - Sustainability - Agriculture
 AGP addresses the development of sustainable agricultural systems to improve crop and grassland productivity to create conditions for enhanced food security and general economic development and to conserve the environment through the development of agriculture's biological resources.
10. American Fisheries - Bioengineering section :
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Biotechnology
 The Bioengineering Section was founded in 1979 from The American Fisheries Society (AFS).The goal of the Bioengineering Section is to promote excellence in the field of fisheries bioengineering through improved communication between biologists, engineers, and other professionals working for the conservation of fisheries resources.
11. Environmental Education on the Internet :
Environmental Education - Environmental education
 Since 1994, EE-Link has been a leading force in bringing environmental education to the Internet. Now, with over 10,000 users per week on average, EE-Link has become a comprehensive website for exploring environmental education on the Internet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12. Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory :
Political Ecology - Movements - Ecological publications
 Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory is the result of a group of hard working people dedicated to helping others keep in touch and informed on the World Wide Web. With thousands of sites, it is the largest exclusively environmental organization directory on the Web and includes sites from over 100 countries. Our goal is simple - to make it easy for people from around the world to find your web page.
13. MedRegio-ÊÅÐÅÌÅÐ :
Development - Sustainability - Sustainable Development
 In order to promote the principles of sustainable development in the sensitive area of the Mediterranean Regions of the European Union (Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal) deemed it advisable to join and create an International Non Governmental Organization, the Center of Euro-Mediterranean Regions for the Environment (MedRegion-Cepe). The MedRegio-Cepe was founded on March 10,1995 with its headquarters in Athens.
Development - Sustainability - Mining - Mine - Pit
 «Mining resources on the Web» constitutes a broad-spectrum database for mining links.
15. The Columbia Environmental Research Center :
Biosphere - Research Institutes (Biosphere)
 The Columbia Environmental Research Center provides leadership and scientific information for the U.S. Geological Survey by addressing national and international environmental contaminant issues, and assessing effects of habitat alterations on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. This includes large-river floodplains, coastal habitats, wetlands, and lakes.
16. Arbor Nutrition Guide :
Quality of Life - Alternative nutrition practices
 This is the Arbor Nutrition Guide web page. It provides you the ability to have access to many important links on nutrition search engines, nutrition, alternative nutrition, alternative medicine, food law and last but not least medical disorders caused by nutrition.
17. Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory :
Political Ecology - Movements - Ecological organizations
 Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory is the result of a group of hard working people dedicated to helping others keep in touch and informed on the World Wide Web. With thousands of sites, it is the largest exclusively environmental organization directory on the Web and includes sites from over 100 countries. Our goal is simple - to make it easy for people from around the world to find your web page.
18. Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research :
Development - Sustainability - Primary production
 Landcare Research is an independent Crown Research Institute that focuses on management of land resources for conservation and for primary production
19. Talk.Origins Archive :
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Darwinism ("t.o.") is a newsgroup devoted to the discussion of issues related to biological and physical origins. Topics discussed include, but are not limited to, evolution, creation, abiogenesis, catastrophism, cosmology, and theology. Be assured that you will find lively, often heated, exchanges between people of all persuasions.

Records 1 to 19 from 19