Category : Type of information
Subcategory : Video tapes
Records 1 to 25 from 33

1. United Nations Environment Programme// Division of Technology, Industry and economics// Industry and Environment // Industrial Industry and economics// Industry and Environment // Industrial Accidents: Prevention and Preparedness :
Development - Sustainability - Industry
 First published in 1978, the UNEP Industry and Environment quarterly review provides a forum for the exchange of research and experience, presenting articles written by and for industry managers, government officials and researchers in the field of sustainable industrial development. It covers policy, technological and scientific developments related to business and the environment. Each issue of the review focuses on a particular theme. It also includes features, news and developments of broad international interest.
2. Mineral Resources Forum (MRF) :
Natural Environment - Mineral resources
 Mineral Resources Forum (MRF) is a platform for international cooperation on the theme of minerals, metals and sustainable development. MRF aims to bring together governmental and intergovernmental actors, resource companies and other concerned parties from academia and civil society.
3. Organic Consumers Association :
Quality of Life - Consumer Advice and Protection Bureau
 The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) promotes food safety, organic farming and sustainable agricultural practices in the U.S. and internationally. We provide consumers with factual information they can use to make informed food choices. Genetic engineering, irradiation, toxic sludge fertilizer, mad cow disease, rBGH are some of the issues we address. The OCA gives interviews and supplies background material for journalists, news organizations, and public interest activists worldwide. Our campaign strategies include public education, activist networking, boycotts and protests, grassroots lobbying, media and public relations, and litigation. We publish two electronic newsletters: Organic View and BioDemocracy News.
4. International Maritime Organization :
Pollution - Wastes - Marine pollution
 The International Maritime Organization is the United Nations specialized agency responsible for improving maritime safety and preventing pollution from ships. We are also committed to technical co-operation.
5. World Trade Organization (WTO) :
Development - Sustainability - Trade
 The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business.
6. FAO - Desertification :
Biosphere - Decertification (Biosphere)
 The Web site contains technical and scientific data and information, available at FAO, as well as links to a number of highly informative Web sites on desertification. The information provided in this site represents a significant share of the FAO knowledge and expertise on sustainable development and drylands management.
7. International Vegeterian Union :
Quality of Life - Vegetarianism
 The International Vegetarian Union is a non-profit making organisation with membership open to any non-profit organisation that advocates vegetarianism and is governed exclusively by vegetarians. A Supporter of IVU may be any individual, family or organisation that supports the aims and objectives of IVU, regardless of whether they are vegetarian or not.
8. EPA's web-page on water :
Pollution - Wastes - Water pollution
 EPA enforces federal clean water and safe drinking water laws, provides support for municipal wastewater treatment plants, and takes part in pollution prevention efforts aimed at protecting watersheds an d sources of drinking water. The Agency carries out both regulatory and voluntary programs to fulfill its mission to protect the nation's waters.
9. National Wildlife Federation :
Natural Environment - Wild nature
 The National Wildlife Federation is the nation's largest member-supported conservation group, uniting individuals, organizations, businesses and government to protect wildlife, wild places, and the environment.
10. International Labour Organization :
Development - Sustainability - Employment - Unemployment
 The International Labour Organization is the UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. It was founded in 1919 and is the only surviving major creation of the Treaty of Versailles, which brought the League of Nations into being; it became the first specialized agency of the UN in 1946.
11. The Sierra Club :
Environmental Education - Programs - Activities
 The Sierra Club Environmental Education Committee has developed a curriculum that is balanced and scientifically sound, which focuses on historical and social studies issues. The Sierra Club in California has been successful with its John Muir Day Study Guide, which helps teachers implement a provision of the state education code encouraging schools to study John Muir as an environmental role model every year on his birthday. In addition, the Sierra Club has launched the John Muir Youth Award Program in order to get children to learn about wild places and take action to protect them.
12. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development :
Development - Sustainability - Mountainous regions economy
 The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is a diverse, knowledge-based institution that spans the Hindu Kush-Himalayan range east to west and north to south and brings together mountain scientists and farmers in a common cause from diverse nationalities in a region that is difficult politically, physically, and economically. ICIMOD develops, tests, and shares knowledge that helps poor mountain people have better and more sustainable lives. ICIMOD works with mountain people to find solutions that they need.
13. Center for Global Environmental Education (Hamline University) :
Environmental Education - Centers for environmental education
 CGEE specializes in combining environmental education with cutting-edge distance learning technology, while integrating hands-on learning to build community among students and teachers world-wide. Being a part of the Graduate School of Education, CGEE is able to take advantage of the best educational methodologies born of Hamline University's extensive teacher training experience.
14. The Globe Program(Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) :
Environmental Education - Programs - Activities
 GLOBE is a worldwide hands-on, primary and secondary school-based science and education program.GLOBE trains teachers to help students improve their achievement in science and math, and in the use of computer and network technology. GLOBE helps teachers and students achieve state and local education goals and standards. GLOBE increases student awareness of their environment from a scientific viewpoint, without advocacy relative to issues. GLOBE improves student understanding of science because it involves them in performing real science - taking measurements, analyzing data, and participating in research in collaboration with scientists. GLOBE students contribute data for scientists to use in their research. GLOBE helps expand the pipeline of potential future scientists and researchers for industry, academia, and government.
15. Second Nature - Education for Sustainability :
Environmental Education - Centers for environmental education
 Second Nature... is dedicated to accelerating a process of transformation in higher education. We guide and nurture these institutions in their quest to make sustainability an integral part of the institution and to help expand their efforts to make human activity sustainable.
16. World Resources Institute - Education Center :
Environmental Education - Centers for environmental information
 World Resources Institute provides information, ideas, and solutions to global environmental problems. Our mission is to move human society to live in ways that protect Earth’s environment for current and future generations. Our program meets global challenges by using knowledge to catalyze public and private action.
17. UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization :
Biosphere - International Organizations (Biosphere)
 UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, was established on 16th of November 1945. It has its headquarters in Paris, France and 73 field offices and units in different parts of the world.The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, by the Charter of the United Nations.
18. International Rivers Network :
Development - Sustainability - Dams (Development)
 International Rivers Network supports local communities working to protect their rivers and watersheds. We work to halt destructive river development projects, and to encourage equitable and sustainable methods of meeting needs for water, energy and flood management
19. Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council :
Anthropogenic Environment - Construction materials
 Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council is responsible for developing and operationalising a comprehensive and integrated approach towards development, promotion and application of conventional and innovative housing and construction technologies and building materials in the country.
Environmental Education - Species Adoption
 ADOPT A SPECIES is a special care and support program for endangered species and other wildlife conservation programs at the National Zoo. Through ADOPT, you can share in the care of more than 5,000 animals and plants at the National Zoo, and help support conservation programs that work to preserve and protect endangered species around the world
21. American Association of Petroleum Geologists :
Energy - Oil
 Founded in 1917 the American Association of Petroleum Geologists is currently the world's largest professional geological society.
22. Harvest of Fear A Nova / Front Line Special Report :
Quality of Life - Genetically Modified Organisms
 In "Harvest of Fear," FRONTLINE and NOVA explore the intensifying debate over genetically-modified (gm) food crops. Interviewing scientists, farmers, biotech and food industry representatives, government regulator, and critics of biotechnology, this two-hour report presents both sides of the debate, exploring the risks and benefits, the hopes and fears, of this new technology
23. SeaWorld/Busch Gardens :
Environmental Education - Environmental education
 SeaWorld/Busch Gardens is an animal information database and can be used only for educational purposes.
24. Environmental Education on the Internet :
Environmental Education - Environmental education
 Since 1994, EE-Link has been a leading force in bringing environmental education to the Internet. Now, with over 10,000 users per week on average, EE-Link has become a comprehensive website for exploring environmental education on the Internet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25. SeaWorld/Busch Gardens :
Natural Environment - Animals
 SeaWorld/Busch Gardens is an animal information database and can be used only for educational purposes.

Records 1 to 25 from 33