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Records 51 to 75 from 112

51. FAO - Desertification
Biosphere - Decertification (Biosphere)
 The Web site contains technical and scientific data and information, available at FAO, as well as links to a number of highly informative Web sites on desertification. The information provided in this site represents a significant share of the FAO knowledge and expertise on sustainable development and drylands management.
52. FAO - Biodiversity
Natural Environment - Biodiversity
 This website contains a range of reference materials, including a bibliography of FAO's documentation on Biological Diversity for Food and Agriculture and an inventory of ongoing activities and instruments in agricultural biodiversity at the international level, as well as links to international organizations, networks and databases and FAO links and contacts.
53. EUR-Lex
International Conventions - Law - Legislation - Environmental law (International Contracts)
 With the aim of offering a comprehensive picture of EU legislation and the decision-making procedures from their concept to their conclusion,the EUR-Lex website has been extended.
54. Pan European Network of Environmental Observatories for Planning, Education and Research
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Environmental law (Science - Knowledge - Rationalism)
 The PENELOPE project offers a new resource tool designed to assist in understanding how environmental law is being developed and applied within Europe. It is the result of a combined effort by experts in information technology and a number of leading European environmental law institutes.
55. AGP Plant Production and Protection Division of FAO
Development - Sustainability - Agriculture
 AGP addresses the development of sustainable agricultural systems to improve crop and grassland productivity to create conditions for enhanced food security and general economic development and to conserve the environment through the development of agriculture's biological resources.
56. Organic - Europe
Development - Sustainability - Biological cultivation (organic farming)
 The internet site was set up by Stiftung Okologie & Landbau, Germany in 2000, and co-funded by the EU-Commision, Agriculture Directorate-General.
57. International Vegeterian Union
Quality of Life - Vegetarianism
 The International Vegetarian Union is a non-profit making organisation with membership open to any non-profit organisation that advocates vegetarianism and is governed exclusively by vegetarians. A Supporter of IVU may be any individual, family or organisation that supports the aims and objectives of IVU, regardless of whether they are vegetarian or not.
58. Habitat for Humanity
Anthropogenic Environment - Adobe, Habitat, Domicile, Home, Habitation, Residence, House, Deweling
 Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, nondenominational Christian housing organization
59. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Forum: Technical Consultation on Decentralization
Development - Sustainability - Decentralization
 THE TECHNICAL Consultation on Decentralization (TCD) was sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the World Bank (WB). The TCD brought together policy-makers, practitioners and academics from the developed and developing world to review and discuss the contribution of decentralized and participatory strategies to rural development. To achieve this goal the TCD was structured into working groups organized around selected themes. The TCD also included four presentations by key speakers and a poster session.
60. World Trade Organization (WTO)
Development - Sustainability - Trade
 The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business.
Pollution - Wastes - Air pollution
 The EEB is a federation of 134 environmental citizens organisations based in all EU Member States and most Accession countries, as well as a few neighbouring countries. They range from local and national to European and international. The aim of the EEB is to protect and improve the environment of Europe and to enable the citizens of Europe to play their part in achieving that goal The EEB office in Brussels was established in 1974 to provide as a focal point for its members to monitor and respond to the emerging EU environmental policy.
62. ACC Network on Rural Development and Food Security
Development - Sustainability - Regional development
 At its April 1997 session, the United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination decided to establish a global, consultative Network on Rural Development and Food Security. The Network replaces the former ACC Sub-Committee on Rural Development. . It is jointly managed by FAO and IFAD, in close cooperation with WFP The ACC Network on Rural Development and Food Security aims to mobilize support for government efforts to implement the World Food Summit Plan of Action and rural development and food security programmes; to reinforce ties between UN system organizations and other stakeholders and to foster complementarities and synergies, as well as the exchange and dissemination of information, experiences and best practices.
63. European Foundation for the Improvement of living and working condintions
Anthropogenic Environment - Human Settlements
 The Foundation is a European Union body that was set up in 1975 to contribute to the planning and establishment of better living and working conditions. Achieving the European Union goal of improving living and working conditions will only be possible when the policy makers have good quality information. By monitoring, analysing and identifying the impact of changes in society, the Foundation aims to provide the data and knowledge needed to support action
64. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Pollution - Wastes - Chemical - Biological weapons
 This site is provided and maintained by the Secretariat of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, a Secretariat set up to undertake the implementation on the international level of the provisions of the CWC. The Site is primarily intended for the National Authorities, which will be responsible for the national implementation of the CWC
65. Committee of the Regions
Development - Sustainability - Regional development
 The Committee of the Regions was created by the Maastricht Treaty in 1991. Europe's leaders were afraid that the EU was steaming ahead and leaving the public behind, and that is why they decided to set up a Committee to represent the local and regional authorities. It is certainly no coincidence that the Committee of the Regions and the concept of subsidiary were conceived at the same time, in the same place.
66. Who Center for Urban Health - Healthy Cities Project
Anthropogenic Environment - Healthy cities
 The WHO Healthy Cities project is a long-term international development project that aims to place health high on the agenda of decision-makers in the cities of Europe and to promote comprehensive local strategies for health and sustainable development based on the principles and objectives of the strategy for health for all for the twenty-first century and local Agenda 21. Ultimately, the Healthy Cities project seeks to enhance the physical, mental, social and environmental wellbeing of the people who live and work in cities.
67. European Federation for Transport and Environment T&E
Transports - Transports
 T&E is a European umbrella for non-governmental organisations working in the field of transport and the environment, promoting sustainable transport in Europe; which means an approach to transport that is environmentally responsible, economically sound and socially just.
68. United Nations Capital Development Fund
Development - Sustainability - Decentralization
 Established in 1966 as a special purpose fund primarily for small-scale investment in the poorest countries, the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) has come in recent years through intense, necessary and far-reaching changes. Today, UNCDF works to help eradicate poverty through local development programmes and microfinance operations. Through its focus on two areas of concentration, UNCDF has strengthened its identity and competence. That was the principal conclusion of the 1999 external evaluation of the Fund, subsequently endorsed by its Executive Board in September 1999.
69. The World Commission on Dams
Development - Sustainability - Dams (Development)
 The World Commission on Dams, comprising an international team of experts, is a focused, independent think tank set up and financed by aid agencies, industry, governments, and NGOs to look at the good, the bad and the ugly impacts of dams around the world. Established in 1998, the Commission's mandate is to research, peer review and write the most independent, authoritative and comprehensive cross-examination of dams and water and energy resource development ever undertaken
70. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Development - Sustainability - Trade
 Established in 1964 as a permanent intergovernmental body, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is the principal organ of the United Nations General Assembly dealing with trade, investment and development issues.
71. Subway Navigator
Transports - Subway
 Subway Navigator gives you a direct access to the world's subways: - Subway maps, - General information concerning the Official Transport Authority (official website, e-mail, timetable and fares if available), - A route finder that helps you to find your itinerary from one station to another, - Links to interesting places nearby the subway station you have selected
72. International Bicycle Fund
Transports - Bicycle
 International Bicycle Fund is a non-governmental, nonprofit, advocacy organization, promoting sustainable transport and international understanding. Major areas of activity are non-motorized urban planning, economic development, bike safety education, responsible travel and cycle tourism, and cross-cultural, educational programs.
73. International Bicycle Fund
Quality of Life - Health
 International Bicycle Fund is a non-governmental, nonprofit, advocacy organization, promoting sustainable transport and international understanding. Major areas of activity are non-motorized urban planning, economic development, bike safety education, responsible travel and cycle tourism, and cross-cultural, educational programs.
74. International Union of Railways
Transports - Railway
 UIC is the worldwide organisation for railway cooperation. It is active in all the fields involved in developing rail transport.
75. Swiss Federal Railways SBB AG
Transports - Railway
 The status of the SBB AG and of the railway as an energy-saving, space-saving and environmentally-friendly transport mode must be maintained and enhanced to give it a central importance.

Records 51 to 75 from 112