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Subcategory : Spanish
Records 1 to 25 from 94

1. Global Mining Initiative (GMI)
Development - Sustainability - Mining - Mine - Pit
 The Global Mining Initiative (GMI) is a programme by the world's leading mining and metals companies to develop their industry's role in the transition to sustainable development. The programme will contribute to preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa in September 2002.
2. United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW)
Political Ecology - Movements - Women - Ecofeminism
 The United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) is the only institution in the United Nations system solely devoted to research and training for the advancement of women. Recently, INSTRAW restructured to become the only dedicated UN institution to deliver its mandate through new information and communication technologies (ICT).
3. Council of European Municipalities and Regions
Development - Sustainability - Regional development
 Established in 1951, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions originated from the conviction that local and regional authorities have a fundamental role to play in the realization of the European Union. They provide popular support for Europe through the efforts of local politicians who are the elected representatives closest to the citizens. Today, CEMR brings together more than 100 000 local and regional authorities in Europe, federated through 42 large national associations of local and regional authorities in 29 countries
4. Office to combat desertification and drought
Biosphere - Decertification (Biosphere)
 The Office to Combat Desertification and Drought of UNDP is responsible for leading and supporting the organization's efforts to promote sustainable human development in the drylands. The Office is located in the Environmentally Sustainable Development Group (ESDG) of the Bureau for Development Policy (BDP). In line with UNDP's new business plan, UNSO will support policy dialogue and institutional capacity building to help countries to integrate dryland issues into national development planning frameworks
5. United Nations Secreteriat of the Convention to Combat Desertification
Biosphere - Decertification (Biosphere)
 This is the second generation of the UNCCD website launched in June 2000. It was designed to facilitate the access to the official documents maintained or received by the secretariat (COP-documents, Reports and Action Programmes) for the participants of the COP-process as well as to establish a general source of information on the topic of desertification for the interested public. This page provides technical instructions about the usage of the CCD website and details how to achieve an optimal browsing experience.
6. EUFORES, the European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources
Energy - Renewable energy sources
 EUFORES - the European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources - is an independent, non-profit making organisation that aims to promote the use of renewable energy. EUFORES was established to pursue the target outlined in the 1994 “Declaration of Madrid” - a 15% substitution of conventional primary energy demand by renewable energy sources by 2010.
7. World Health Organization
Quality of Life - Health
 Founded in 1948, the World Health Organization leads the world alliance for Health for All. A specialized agency of the United Nations with 191 Member States, WHO promotes technical cooperation for health among nations, carries out programmes to control and eradicate disease and strives to improve the quality of human life.
8. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
International Conventions - Law - Legislation - International Conventions (International Contracts)
 The Convention on Wetlands is an intergovernmental treaty adopted on 2 February 1971 in the Iranian city of Ramsar, on the southern shore of the Caspian Sea. Thus, though nowadays the name of the Convention is usually written "Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971)", it has come to be known popularly as the "Ramsar Convention". Ramsar is the first of the modern global intergovernmental treaties on conservation and wise use of natural resources, but, compared with more recent ones, its provisions are relatively straightforward and general. Over the years, the Conference of the Contracting Parties (the main decision-making body of the Convention, composed of delegates from all the Member States) has further developed and interpreted the basic tenets of the treaty text and succeeded in keeping the work of the Convention abreast of changing world perceptions, priorities, and trends in environmental thinking.
9. Global Environment Facility
Natural Environment - Water resources management
 The Global Environment Facility was established to forge international cooperation and finance actions to address four critical threats to the global environment: biodiversity loss, climate change, degradation of international waters, and ozone depletion. Related work to stem the pervasive problem of land degradation is also eligible for GEF funding.
10. United Nations Organization
Biosphere - International Organizations (Biosphere)
 The United Nations is central to global efforts to solve problems which challenge humanity. Cooperating in this effort are more than 30 affiliated organizations, known together as the UN system. Day in and day out, the UN and its family of organizations work to promote respect for human rights, protect the environment, fight disease, foster development and reduce poverty. UN agencies define the standards for safe and efficient transport by air and sea, help improve telecommunications and enhance consumer protection, work to ensure respect for intellectual property rights and coordinate allocation of radio frequencies. The United Nations leads the international campaigns against drug trafficking and terrorism. Throughout the world, the UN and its agencies assist refugees and set up programmes to clear landmines, help improve the quality of drinking water and expand food production, make loans to developing countries and help stabilize financial markets.
11. The World Bank Group
International Conventions - Law - Legislation - International Organizations (International Contracts)
  The World Bank is the world's largest source of development assistance, providing nearly $16 billion in loans annually to its client countries. It uses its financial resources, highly trained staff, and extensive knowledge base to help each developing country onto a path of stable, sustainable, and equitable growth in the fight against poverty.
12. World Meteorological Organization
Biosphere - Climate
 From weather prediction to air pollution research, climate change related activities, ozone layer depletion studies and tropical storm forecasting, the World Meteorological Organization coordinates global scientific activity to allow increasingly prompt and accurate weather information and other services for public, private and commercial use, including international airline and shipping industries. WMO's activities contribute to the safety of life and property, the socio-economic development of nations and the protection of the environment. Within the United Nations, the Geneva-based 185-Member Organization provides the authoritative scientific voice on the state and behaviour of the Earth's atmosphere and climate
13. EPA's Indoor Air Quality section
Pollution - Wastes - Indoor (air) pollution
 Why is the indoor environment important to our health? Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution can damage their health but may not know that indoor air pollution can also have significant effects. EPA studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor air levels of many pollutants may be 2-5 times, and occasionally, more than 100 times higher than outdoor levels. These levels of indoor air pollutants are of particular concern because it is estimated that most people spend as much as 90% of their time indoors.
14. Pan European Network of Environmental Observatories for Planning, Education and Research
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Environmental law (Science - Knowledge - Rationalism)
 The PENELOPE project offers a new resource tool designed to assist in understanding how environmental law is being developed and applied within Europe. It is the result of a combined effort by experts in information technology and a number of leading European environmental law institutes.
15. European Environment Agency
International Conventions - Law - Legislation - Environmental Institutions (International Contracts)
 The EEA aims to support sustainable development and to help achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe's environment through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy making agents and the public.
16. Environment
Political Ecology - Movements - Environmental Institutions (Political Ecology)
 European Commissions's site for the Environment.
17. EPA's web-page on water
Pollution - Wastes - Water pollution
 EPA enforces federal clean water and safe drinking water laws, provides support for municipal wastewater treatment plants, and takes part in pollution prevention efforts aimed at protecting watersheds an d sources of drinking water. The Agency carries out both regulatory and voluntary programs to fulfill its mission to protect the nation's waters.
Biosphere - Global Warming
 The EPA Global Warming Site is provided as a public service by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA's climate change programs and activities are an integral part of the Agency's mission and purpose. With the Global Warming Site, we strive to present accurate information on the very broad issue of climate change and global warming in a way that is accessible and meaningful to all parts of society – communities, individuals, business, public officials and governments.
19. EPA's section on AIR
Pollution - Wastes - Air pollution
 These pages lead to information related to AIR
20. Earth Day Network
Development - Sustainability - Sustainable Development
 Earth Day Network is the nonprofit coordinating body of worldwide Earth Day activities. Our goal is to promote a healthy environment and a peaceful, just, sustainable world by spreading environmental awareness through educational materials and publications, and by organizing events, activities, and annual campaigns. Our network includes more than 5,000 organizations in 184 countries.
21. European Environmental Agency - Transports
Transports - Transports
 Reforming the transport sector is one of the keys to making sustainable development a reality – and one of the greatest challenges. The sector is the fastest growing consumer of energy and producer of greenhouse gases in the EU.
22. Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL)
International Conventions - Law - Legislation - Environmental law (International Contracts)
 Triggered by a Dutch initiative, IMPEL was conceived at an informal meeting of the Community Environment Ministers in 1991 where it was agreed that: " would be desirable as a first step to establish a Network of representatives of relevant national authorities and the Commission in the field of enforcement, primarily aimed at the exchange of information in the field of compliance and enforcement, and at the development of common approaches at a practical level."
23. World Tourism Organization / Sustainable Development of Tourism
Development - Sustainability - Sustainable Development
 WTO Sustainable Development of Tourism works closely with members and other international organizations to ensure that new tourism development is properly planned and managed to protect the natural and cultural environments.
24. The Globe Program(Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment)
Environmental Education - Programs - Activities
 GLOBE is a worldwide hands-on, primary and secondary school-based science and education program.GLOBE trains teachers to help students improve their achievement in science and math, and in the use of computer and network technology. GLOBE helps teachers and students achieve state and local education goals and standards. GLOBE increases student awareness of their environment from a scientific viewpoint, without advocacy relative to issues. GLOBE improves student understanding of science because it involves them in performing real science - taking measurements, analyzing data, and participating in research in collaboration with scientists. GLOBE students contribute data for scientists to use in their research. GLOBE helps expand the pipeline of potential future scientists and researchers for industry, academia, and government.
25. Slow food
Quality of Life - Slow food
 Slow Food is a international non-profit movement, democratic, cultural and of social utility, based on the voluntary membership of people who intend to cultivate common cultural and gastronomic interests. Membership of the movement is open to everyone and is personal.

Records 1 to 25 from 94