Category : International Conventions - Law - Legislation
Subcategory : Environmental Institutions (International Contracts)
Records 1 to 4 from 4

1. Nearctica's segment on Environment :
  The Environment Segment of Nearctica deals with the physical component of the natural world such as air pollution, water pollution, and solid waste.
2. European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) :
  EIONET is a collaborative network of the European Environment Agency and its Member Countries, connecting National Focal Points in the EU and accession countries, European Topic Centres, National Reference Centres, and Main Component Elements. These organisations jointly provide the information that is used for making decisions for improving the state of environment in Europe and making EU policies more effective. EIONET is both a network of organisations and an electronic network (e-EIONET).
3. Ministry of the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (YPEXODE) Office of National Environmental Network (EPD) and European Environment Agency (EEA) :
  The Office of National Environmental Network (EPD) and European Environment Agency (EEA) was established in 19-01-95 in the Environmental Planning Division of the Ministry of the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (YPEXODE), based on the 73141/1028 official minister desicion.Main objectives and responsibilities of the 0ffice are: Operation and management of the National Environmental Information Network (EDPP) at national level. Co-ordination of the information exchange between the national Environmental bodies and the European Environment Agency (EEA) . Co-ordination and support of the EEA National Focal Point (NFP) activity in Greece Overall co-ordination of the programmes and systems related to the collection, management and exploitation of environmental information
4. European Environment Agency :
  The EEA aims to support sustainable development and to help achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe's environment through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy making agents and the public.
Records 1 to 4 from 4