Category : Quality of Life
Subcategory : Consumer Advice and Protection Bureau
Records 1 to 6 from 6

1. Organic Consumers Association :
  The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) promotes food safety, organic farming and sustainable agricultural practices in the U.S. and internationally. We provide consumers with factual information they can use to make informed food choices. Genetic engineering, irradiation, toxic sludge fertilizer, mad cow disease, rBGH are some of the issues we address. The OCA gives interviews and supplies background material for journalists, news organizations, and public interest activists worldwide. Our campaign strategies include public education, activist networking, boycotts and protests, grassroots lobbying, media and public relations, and litigation. We publish two electronic newsletters: Organic View and BioDemocracy News.
2. Organic Farming Research Foundation :
  To sponsor research related to organic farming practices, to disseminate research results to organic farmers and to growers interested in adopting organic production systems, to educate the public and decision-makers about organic farming issues.
3. Organic Agriculture at FAO :
  The aim of this Website is to offer information on organic agriculture available at FAO. It also functions as a "road map" whereby users are directed to other relevant websites.
4. Organic - Europe :
  The internet site was set up by Stiftung Okologie & Landbau, Germany in 2000, and co-funded by the EU-Commision, Agriculture Directorate-General.
5. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements :
  We represent the worldwide movement of organic agriculture and provide a platform for global exchange and cooperation. We are committed to a holistic approach in the development of organic farming systems including maintenance of a sustainable environment and respect for the need of humanity. By the expertise of its members IFOAM opens the way for implementation of above aims in everyday life. The federation's main function is coordinating the network of the organic movement around the world. IFOAM is a democratic federation and grassroot oriented. Major activities within IFOAM are carried out by our World Board of Directors, various committees and task forces.
  Description of BIO SUISSE Umbrella organization of the Swiss organic farmers Common standards since 1981 Thoroughly organically operated farms Information bulletin "bio aktuell" Common label: the BUD
Records 1 to 6 from 6