Category : Environmental Education
Subcategory : Centers for environmental information
Records 1 to 8 from 8

1. The Global Development Research Center - Urban Environmental Management :
  The Global Development Research Center is a virtual organization that carries out initiatives in education, research and practice, in the spheres of environment, urban, community, economy and information, and at scales that are effective.The title of this website, Urban Environmental Management, may be a bit misleading, as the contents of the homepage contain a whole range of topics that are not necessarily 'urban.' The objective here is to demonstrate pertinent issues of an urban area and its environment, but also to extrapolate it to the global level.
2. David Macleod’s Planning and Environmental Information :
  This site is dedicated to providing information and resources on urban and regional planning and environmental issues. My objective is to contribute to our understanding of the world around us from a community planning perspective
3. Industrial Ecology and Eco-Industrial Parks - Ecosystems As Models for Industrial Sustainability :
  This is the web site of the Center of Excellence of for Sustainable Development regarding Industrial Ecology and Eco-Industrial Parks—Ecosystems as innovative new theories, which are emerging to guide firms towards sustainable production.
4. European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) Page on Waste and Material Flows :
  EIONET is a collaborative network of the European Environment Agency and its Member Countries, connecting National Focal Points in the EU and accession countries, European Topic Centres, National Reference Centres, and Main Component Elements. These organisations jointly provide the information that is used for making decisions for improving the state of environment in Europe and making EU policies more effective. EIONET is both a network of organisations and an electronic network (e-EIONET). This page provides information on the topics of Waste and Material Flows.
5. World Health Organization - Protection of the Human Environment - Health care waste management Health care waste management section :
  This site presents WHO's work to assist its Member States and their populations in achieving a sustainable basis for health for all by ensuring an environment that promotes health, and by making individuals and organizations aware of their responsibility for health and its environmental basis. This section contains information about health care waste management.
6. European Environmental Agency - Waste :
  For most of us, waste is the bags of household rubbish that leave our households every week. We know that it ‘goes somewhere’ – but few have actually seen a landfill site, a waste incineration plant, or a recycling centre, and most of us do not give it much more thought.
7. British Geological Survey :
  The British Geological Survey’s mission is to enhance the UK science base by providing knowledge, information, education and training in the geosciences, and promote the public understanding of the relevance of geosciences to resource and environment issues.
8. Dutch Waste Processing Association (VVAV) :
  The Dutch Waste Processing Association (VVAV) represents the interests of composting firms, operators of incineration and landfill facilities and processors of waste in the developing European waste market. The association endeavours to optimalise the conditions under which these companies work to process waste in an environmentally sound and cost-effective manner.
Records 1 to 8 from 8