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30 January to 1 February 2007
European Conference on Local Energy Action:
The 6th Annual Event for Energy Management Agents in Europe

as part of:
EUSEW: First EU Sustainable Energy Week
Brussels, Belgium and Live on the Internet
video camera
Sixth ManagEnergy Annual Conference
Programme Overview - 30 January to 1 February 2007
Table of Contents

 Programme Overview - ManagEnergy Annual Conference - 30 January to 1 February 2007

 Introduction to the EU Sustainable Energy Week -

 ManagEnergy Annual Conference Programme - Key Events for Local and Regional Energy Actors

     Day 1: Education Today for Tomorrow's Energy Users - 30 January 2007 - 08:30-17:30
     incorporating Education Mini-Exhibition

     Day 1: Climate Investments and Actions in Sweden! - 30 January 2007 - 14:30-17:00

     Day 2: Marketing Strategy for Local Energy Actors - 31 January 2007 - PM
     followed by Cocktail Reception
     Day 3: Global Energy Crisis - Local Energy Solutions - 1 February 2007 - 08:30-12:30
     followed by Presentation of ManagEnergy Best European Local (Sustainable) Energy Action Award

 Other events for local and regional energy actors during EUSEW

     CoR/Fedarene: Financing local and regional sustainable energy solutions - 1 February 2007 - 14:00-18:00
     IEE: Changing Systems and Habits: the Intelligent Energy - Europe Programme - 2 February 2007 - 09:00-13:00

 How to Register for EUSEW events

 Networking Opportunities

 Internet Broadcasts video camera

 The Fifth ManagEnergy Annual Conference (February 2006)

Introduction to the EU Sustainable Energy Week

The Sixth ManagEnergy Annual Conference on Local Energy Action takes place in Brussels from 30 January to 1 February 2007 as part of EUSEW: The First EU Sustainable Energy Week - entitled "Take a week to change tomorrow!".

At the initiative of the European Commission, under the umbrella of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign, the European institutions, the German Presidency of the Council, public authorities from Italy, the regions of Brussels and Murcia, the city of Grenoble, and actors most relevant to sustainable energy such as ManagEnergy, EREC, Energie-Cités, Energy Globe, CCRE have joined efforts to organise the first EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) from 29 January to 4 February 2007.

The aim of the EU Sustainable Energy Week is to become the key annual reference point for sustainable energy issues in Europe. The EUSEW will feature major EU and international events covering most of the key topics related to sustainable energy development, so as to favour thematic integration and cross-fertilisation of the results of individual events, and to get the message over to the public that sustainable energy includes all sectors, working together with a common aim. The EUSEW is the first major initiative jointly undertaken by the European institutions and a wide array of private and public authorities. It will be held in Brussels and will include:

  • the EU RES policy conference
  • the EU conference on international co-operation on energy efficiency
  • the presentation of the Intelligent Energy - Europe II programme
  • the (Sixth) Annual ManagEnergy conference for local energy actors
  • the CONCERTO programme conference
  • the EU transport stakeholders' conference
  • the Energy Globe Award ceremony
  • and other events proposed by entities such as CEMR, CECED and EuroElectric

Brussels Region will also organise their 'Energy Days' on the following weekend. The week will also include major events taking place outside of Brussels, namely Les Assises de l'Energie in Grenoble, France, the Building Directive Platform in Dublin and the Spanish Sustainable Energy Week in Murcia, Spain. Yet more events are in the pipeline...

More information about the EU Sustainable Energy Week and a first opportunity to register for the different conferences and events to be held under its umbrella are now available on the EUSEW website (

ManagEnergy Annual Conference Programme - Key Events for Local and Regional Energy Actors
Education Today for Tomorrow's Energy Users - A ManagEnergy Annual Conference Event
Event Organisers: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport and Intelligent Energy Executive Agency (IEEA)
Date: Tuesday 30 January 2007
Time: 08:30 - 17:30
Event Title: Education Today for Tomorrow's Energy Users - A ManagEnergy Annual Conference Event
Venue: Committee of the Regions Building
Bâtiment Jacques Delors, Rue Belliard 99-101, BE-1040 Brussels, Belgium
Description: Education Today for Tomorrow's Energy Users is the first event in the Sixth ManagEnergy Annual Conference, which forms part of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW).

The event includes presentations from educators and energy agencies throughout Europe. These will demonstrate how Europe is tackling the issues raised by Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs in the recent publication  Education on Energy - Teaching tomorrow's energy consumers, through the education of young people in order to take advantage of the influence that children can have on their families, as well as to prepare them for the future challenges presented by climate change and diminishing fossil fuel reserves.

In addition, the event includes a musical performance by children from a Brussels school, the launch of the 2007 ManagEnergy KidsCorner Competition and a mini-exhibition featuring EU-funded education projects.
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Education Mini-Exhibition - A ManagEnergy Annual Conference Event
Event Organisers: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport and Intelligent Energy Executive Agency (IEEA)
Date: Tuesday 30 January 2007
Time: 08:30 - 17:30 (stands manned from 08:30-09:30 and 13:00-14:30)
Event Title: Education Mini-Exhibition - A ManagEnergy Annual Conference Event
Venue: Committee of the Regions Building
Bâtiment Jacques Delors, Rue Belliard 99-101, BE-1040 Brussels, Belgium
Mini Exhibition: This mini-exhibition will be organised in parallel with the energy education event,  Education Today for Tomorrow's Energy Users (see above). At the stands you will find additional information and material about ManagEnergy KidsCorner, IEE projects and other initiatives undertaken to promote energy education across Europe. You will have the opportunity to follow up on issues raised during the conference and speak with project coordinators - among others from Active Learning, Kids4Future, FEEDU, Energy Path, KITH and Youth - as well as staff from the Intelligent Energy Executive Agency and the European Commission's Directorate-General for Energy and Transport. The stands will be manned mainly during breaks.
  How to get there
Climate Investments and Actions in Sweden! - A ManagEnergy Annual Conference Side Event
Date: Tuesday 30 January 2007
Time: 14:30 - 17:00
Event Title: Climate Investments and Actions in Sweden! - A ManagEnergy Annual Conference Side Event
Venue: Committee of the Regions Building
Bâtiment Jacques Delors, Rue Belliard 99-101, BE-1040 Brussels, Belgium
Description: Climate Investments and Actions in Sweden! will present Good Practices from three Swedish regions - Skåne, Jämtland and Västernorrland. The event consists of two main parts:

Part A: Regional Plans and Investments on Rational Use of Energy and Renewable Energy
Part B: Regional networks for sustainable energy use and transports
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Marketing Strategy for Local Energy Actors - A ManagEnergy Annual Conference Event
Event Organisers: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and ManagEnergy Reflection Group
Date: Wednesday 31 January 2007
Time: PM
Event Title: Marketing Strategy for Local Energy Actors - A ManagEnergy Annual Conference Event
Venue: Charlemagne Building
170 Rue de la Loi (Wetstraat), BE-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Description: Further information available soon ...
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ManagEnergy Cocktail Reception
Event Organisers: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport
Date: Wednesday 31 January 2007
Time: 18:00-20:00
Event Title: ManagEnergy Cocktail Reception
Venue: Charlemagne Building
170 Rue de la Loi (Wetstraat), BE-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Description: This Cocktail Reception will be hosted by the European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport. The Reception gives participants in the ManagEnergy Annual Conference the opportunity to network with other local and regional energy actors.

Note: you only need to register for this event if you are NOT already attending a ManagEnergy event in the Charlemagne building on Wednesday afternoon.
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Global Energy Crisis - Local Energy Solutions - A ManagEnergy Annual Conference Event
Event Organisers: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport
Date: Thursday 1 February 2007
Time: 08:30-12:30
Event Title: Global Energy Crisis - Local Energy Solutions - A ManagEnergy Annual Conference Event
Where local actors can drive the EU Energy Efficiency Action Plan
Venue: Charlemagne Building
170 Rue de la Loi (Wetstraat), BE-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Description: This session will included updates on the Action Plan for Energy Efficiency and will also include a presentation of the ManagEnergy Best European Local (Sustainable) Energy Action Award.

Further information available soon...
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ManagEnergy Best European Local (Sustainable) Energy Action Award
Event Organisers: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport
Date: Thursday 1 February 2007
Time: 08:30-12:30
Event Title: ManagEnergy Best European Local (Sustainable) Energy Action Award
Venue: Charlemagne Building
170 Rue de la Loi (Wetstraat), BE-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Description: The ManagEnery Best European Local (Sustainable) Energy Action Award will be presented at the Charlemagne Building during the ManagEnergy Annual Conference event Global Energy Crisis - Local Energy Solutions (see above).

At the end of 2006, members of the ManagEnergy Reflection Group will be selecting the winner of the ManagEnergy Best European Local (Sustainable) Energy Action Award. The winning Action will be selected from the top ten ManagEnergy Good Practices.

If you would like to be considered as a future winner of this award and would like your project to be publicised in this newsletter (see below), on the website and at ManagEnergy events, please submit your case study by filling in our case study template (260 kb .doc file) and sending it to:
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Other Events for Local and Regional Energy Actors during EU Sustainable Energy Week
ManagEnergy as an initiative for local and regional energy actions would also like to highlight the following events, organised by the Committee of the Regions, Fedarene and the Intelligent Energy Executive Agency (IEEA).

Financing local and regional sustainable energy solutions - Thursday 1 February 2007
Event Organisers: Committee of the Regions, Fedarene
Date: Thursday 1 February 2007
Time: 14:00 - 18:00
Event Title: Financing local and regional sustainable energy solutions
Venue: Committee of the Regions Building
Bâtiment Jacques Delors, Rue Belliard 99-101, BE-1040 Brussels, Belgium
Description: The Committee of the Regions, in cooperation with FEDARENE (European Federation of Regional Energy and Environment Agencies), is organising this seminar in the framework of the first EU Sustainable Energy Week.

Local and regional authorities are playing a key role in promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency, many of them giving substantial priority to sustainable energy solutions. However, the implementation of such energy concepts under their management may often fail due to a lack of money and/or knowledge of existing financial mechanisms.

This seminar will focus on the financial instruments which local and regional authorities can use in order to achieve sustainable energy projects. The first part will comprise an overview of instruments offered by the EU and national levels, as well as by the private banking sector, for financing local and regional action in the field of sustainable energy. Several case studies of successful regional financing models will be presented during the second part.

Key stakeholders from the public and private sector as well as European, local and regional policy makers will be given the opportunity to discuss new concepts and share knowledge on financial instruments which assist with the improvement of energy efficiency and development of renewable energy sources.
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Changing Systems and Habits: the Intelligent Energy - Europe Programme - Friday 2 February 2007
Event Organisers: Intelligent Energy Executive Agency (IEEA)
Date: Friday 2 February 2007
Time: 09:00 - 13:00
Event Title: Changing Systems and Habits: the Intelligent Energy - Europe Programme
Venue: Charlemagne Building
170 Rue de la Loi (Wetstraat), BE-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Description: Intelligent Energy - Europe addresses key energy challenges of the EU: how can we take advantage of market opportunities for more renewable energy; how can we increase the uptake of new technologies for smart energy use and of more energy intelligent habits; and how can we convert EU policy on energy efficiency and renewables into action on the ground.

A second Intelligent Energy - Europe programme with a significantly increased budget - about €730 million for the 2007-2013 period - will be launched in 2007. This event will be the first opportunity to learn about the funding priorities, budget and timetable for next year.

It will also present the results of more than 350 ongoing projects, covering areas such as buildings, industry, transport, urban areas, consumer products, power and heat generation, and co-operation with developing countries.
  RegisterEvent Website How to get thereHow to register
Other Events

You can find details of other events for local and regional energy actors taking place during EUSEW on the official website:

  EUSEW WebsiteHow to register

Networking Opportunities
As in previous years, local and regional energy actors will have the opportunity to meet other actors throughout Europe at the ManagEnergy stand, at the Energy Education mini-exhibition and during the ManagEnergy Cocktail Reception on the Wednesday evening.

In addition, ManagEnergy offers an online Partner Search Service. A recent survey of those using this service indicated that more than 80% rated the service useful or very useful, and 80% of those who submitted projects in the last IEE call found partners via ManagEnergy.
Internet Broadcasts
video cameraSelected events from EUSEW and the ManagEnergy Annual Conference will be broadcast live on the internet and video recordings will be available on the ManagEnergy Internet Broadcast site after the event.

Further details of the Internet Broadcast will be available on the ManagEnergy Internet Broadcast site soon.
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