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This capacity-building programme started in 1995 as a response to Chapter 28 of Agenda 21 whereby local authorities are called upon to undertake participatory processes to develop and implement "Local Agendas 21" for and with their communities. The LA21 Programme offers multi-year support to local authorities and their partners to undertake such Local Agenda 21 processes in order to locally contribute to the implementation of the Agenda 21 and the Habitat Agenda. Programme support is specifically targeting secondary cities which very often lack capacities and are usually forgotten by international support programmes. The programme aims to promote good urban governance by supporting the development and implementation of broad-based environmental action plans, focusing on context-specific aspects of municipal planning and management. The Programme also enhances the capability of local authorities to integrate these action plans into strategic urban development plans, stimulating inter-sectoral synergy. Through the implementation of the action plans tangible impact is achieved for low-income communities targeting especially the urban poor , leading to more sustainable urban development as a response to the challenge of the Millennium Development Goals...