Αρχή κειμένου
Architecture, by Julie Gabrielli, NCARB, LEED and Amy E. Gardner, AIA University of Maryland School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation
πηγή: http//www.greenbuilding.com
The modern profession of architecture echoes with its origins, its rich history, and the fast-paced changes of the 21st century. Through antiquity, architecture and construction were united by the cultural intentions of a "Master Builder," who balanced art, science, materials, form, style and craft to achieve his vision.
"The regulated profession of architecture is relatively new. Yet there have been architects for as long as societies have built, with little distinction between designers and builders. In ancient, traditional cultures and languages, the same word was used for both architect and builder. Construction was an integrated craft in which the master mason or master carpenter knew how to design, to assemble labor and materials, to estimate costs, to manage the construction process, and to erect structures from foundation to roof."
(Roger K. Lewis, p.149, from Architect? A Candid Guide to the Profession)