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Bibliography of the report on Sustainable Construction


The following is a list of publications and websites for further reading and reference.


Allard Francis, Editor: Natural Ventilation in Buildings – A Design Handbook, London, James & James Science Publishers, 1999.

Describes the natural ventilation, its appropriate use, the design and dimensioning methodologies, including a CD with software.

Anink D, Boonstra C, Mak J: Handbook of Sustainable Building -an Environmental Preference Method for Selection on Materials for use in Construction and Refurbishment, London, James and James Science Publishers, 1996.

Excellent comparative information on building elements; Dutch source.

Asimakopoulos M and D, Santamouris, Editors: Passive Cooling in Buildings, London, James & James Science Publishers, 1999.

Describes the fundamentals of passive cooling together with the principles and formulae necessary for its successful implementation.

Baker Nick and Steemers Koen: Daylight Design of Buildings, London, James & James Science Publishers, 1999.

The Martin Centre, University of Cambridge, Cambridge: The principles which lie behind successful daylight design.

Baker N V: Energy and Environment in Non-Domestic Buildings: a Technical Design Guide, Cambridge, Cambridge Architectural Research for the RIBA, 1995, 69 pp.

A short guide to the principles of energy efficient building, by the team which developed the LT Method.

Baldwin R, Yates A, Howard N, Rao S: BREEAM 98 for Offices, Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology, Building Research Establishment, 1998.

Bröchner, Fredriksson: Sustainable Development and the Performance Concept : encouraging Innovative Environmental Technology in Construction"

Ang, Building Research and Information (The international journal of research, development, demonstration and innovation), volume 27, nr.6 Nov-Dec 1999, ISBN 0961-3218.

CIB – Editors: Prof. Peter Barrett and Dr. Martin Sexton – Editor in Chief: Luc Bourdeau: Sustainable Construction: A Framework and International Agenda for Change, ISBN 90-6363-025-5 Publication 260, November 2000

CIB – Editors: Prof. Peter Barrett and Dr. Martin Sexton – Editor in Chief: Luc Bourdeau: Agenda 21 on Sustainable Construction, ISBN 90-6363-015-8 Publication 237, July 1999

CIB: Sustainable Development and the Future of Construction - A comparison of visions from various countries, ISBN 90-6363-011-5 Publication 225

CIRIA - Construction Industry Research and Information Association: A Client’s Guide to Greener Construction, Special Publication 120, CIRIA, 1995: British procurement advice.

CIRIA - Construction Industry Research and Information Association: Environment Impact of Materials. Volume A: Summary (SP 116), London, CIRIA, 1995, £44.00.

Implications and uncertainties of eco-labelling and life-cycle assessment of building materials in general, followed by life-cycle, energy and specification guidance for mineral products; metals; plastics and elastomers; timber and timber products; paints and coatings, adhesives and sealants.

CIRIA - Construction Industry Research and Information Association: Environmental issues in construction – a strategic review, London, CIRIA, 1999

DETR: Building a Sustainable Future: Homes for an Autonomous Community

General Information Report 53. DETR Best Practice Programme,

BRECSU, Garston, UK., October 1998: Useful guidebook outlining design principles for zero CO2 emissions, zero heating and autonomous dwellings within a sustainable planning strategy including issues of site layout, transport and densities. Includes guidance on construction and product specification.

DETR: Building a Better Quality of Life or Achieving Sustainability in construction procurement, UK, April 2000

DETR: Planning for Sustainable Development: Towards Better Practice, UK, 1998.

Useful design tool for developing briefs meeting the objectives of sustainable development.

DETR: Sustainable Development and Building, UK, August 1998

M. Dewever: Environmental Costs, a Decision Support Model, NL.

Economic and Social Committee: Opinion on "Sustainable Development in Building and Housing in Europe", REG/124, 01/10/1997 – CES 983/97 D/JW/ET/hm

Edwards Brian: Towards Sustainable Architecture: European Directives and Building Design , Oxford, Butterworth Architecture, 1996.

Edwards Brian: Green Buildings Pay, London: E & FN Spon, 1998.

FFB, Fédération Française du Bâtiment: Bâtir avec l’environnement – bilan 1992-1999 et perspectives, Paris, 1999

Fontoynont Marc, Editor: Daylight Performance of Buildings, London, James & James Science Publishers,1999.

Observations on the daylighting behaviour of 60 European buildings measured during a three year period.

GCCP, Government’s Construction Client’s Panel: Achieving Sustainability in Construction Procurement, UK, June 2000

Goulding J and Lewis J Owen, Editors: European Directory of Sustainable and Energy Efficient Building - Components, Materials and Services, Published yearly, most recent 1999. London, James & James Science Publishers.

A series of articles on new developments accompanies a European-wide classified listing of companies offering products or services.

Griffith Alan: Environmental Management in Construction, The Macmillian Press Ltd, Uk, 1994

M. Haas: The TWIN Model, an Environmental Calculation Method as Performance Concept, NL

Halliday S P: Environmental Code of Practice for Buildings and their Services, Bracknell, Building Services Research and Information Association (BISRIA), 1994, 130 pp, £40.00.

Step-by-step checklist for sustainable practice, following the sequence for a new building from inception to hand-over. It then continues with use, refurbishment, decommissioning, demolition and disposal. Aimed at clients, design teams and building managers.

Hawkes Dean: The Environmental Tradition, London, Spon, 1996.

Very good treatment of theory, and case studies.

Howard Nigel, Shiers D, Sinclair M: The Green Guide to Specification, BRE Report 351, 1998.

An environmental profiling system for building materials and components.

A comprehensive source of information on the production processes and environmental impact of a vast range of materials used in the building process, presented as a simple rating system.

Little Fair, Dr Paul: Site layout planning to improve solar access, passive cooling and microclimate, BRE Environment Division, Garston - Watford UK, 2001

Guidance for building designers on low energy design solutions in the urban environment, with practical examples from across Europe.

O’Cofaigh Eoin, Olley John and Lewis J Owen: The Climatic Dwelling: an Introduction to Climate Responsive Residential Architecture, London, James and James Science Publishers, 1996, IR£30.

Principles, guidelines and case studies.

O’Cofaigh Eoin; A Green Vitruvius –Principles and Practice of Sustainable Architectural Design, London, James & James Science Publishers, 1999 for EC and ACE.

Architects’ Council of Europe publication –professional emphasis.

OECD, Working Party on National Environmental Policy: Design of sustainable buildings policies: scope for improvement and barriers, Paris, 23-24 April 2001

OECD, Working Party on National Environmental Policy: Policy instruments for Environmentally Sustainable Buildings, Paris, 23-24 April 2001

Randall Thomas, Editor; Environmental Design: An Introduction for Architects and Engineers, London, Spon, 1996. Written by a team of specialists at Max Fordhams & Partners. Starts with some basic scientific principles, then covers air quality, noise, site planning, energy use, building materials and building form.

Santamouris M: Energy and Climate in the Urban Built Environment, London, James & James Science Publishers, 2000, Addressing the heat island and canyon effects and concluding with examples of innovative urban bioclimatic buildings.

Smith, Max; Whitelegg, John and Williams, Nick: Greening the Built Environment, ISBN 1 85383 403 3 paperback – 1 85383 404 1 hardback, Earthscan Publications Ltd, 1998

Tupamäki Olavi: FutureConstruct ® - RTD Strategies for European Construction, ISBN 951-97676-0-6, Helsinki, March 1997

Tupamäki Olavi: Construction Can! - ENCORD’s Programme for RTD&ID, ISBN 951-97676-1-4, Helsinki, June 1998

Tupamäki Olavi: 1st TRA EFCT Round Table on Sustainable Construction, Report, Brussels, June 1998.

UNEP: The construction industry and the environment, Industry and environment volume 19 n° 2, UNEP IE ISBN 0378-9993, Paris, April-June 1996

Vale, Brenda and Robert: Green Architecture: Design for an Energy-Conscious Future, Bulfinch Press, 1991

Provides an overview of resource-conscious building and an exploration of the relationship between the built environment and such critical problems as power supply, waste and recycling, food production, and transportation.

Woolley Tom, Kimmins, Sam, Harrison, Paul, and Harrison, Rob: Green Building Handbook: a guide to building products and their impact on the Environment (Volumes 1 and 2), London: E & FN Spon, 1997.

Wright, Andrew: Sustainable Urban Communities, Andrew Wright Associates, London, UK, 2000

A short report highlighting the general principles of sustainable urban design and demonstrating with a practical example of how these can be applied in practice.

Web links

http://www.property.gov.uk/services/construction/gccp/gccppub.html (UK Government)

http://www.ciria.org.uk (Construction Information and Research Association)

http://www.detr.gov.uk (Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions)

http://www.egbf.com (European Green Building Forum)


http://www.rethinkingconstruction.org (UK)


http://cic.vtt.fi/eco/e_index.htm (Finnish Research Institute)

http://www.safa.fi/proj/eko/eng/index.html (the Finnish Association of Architects)

http://www.tra-efct.com (ECCREDI: Targeted Research Actions for Environmentally Friendly Construction Technologies).

http://www.sd-commission.gov.uk (British Government Panel on Sustainable Development)

http://www.clarinet.at (Contaminated Land and Rehabilitation Network for Environmental Technologies in Europe).


http://www.ends.co.uk (Environmental Data Services)

http://www.eea.eu.int (European Environment Agency)

http://www.eel.nl (European Environment Law)

http://www.ukela.org (Environmental Law Association)

http://www.unep.ch (United Nations Environment Programme

http://www.novem.nl/SB2000 (International Initiative for Sustainable Built Environment)

http://www.sd-eudb.net (European Databank Sustainable Development)

http://www.sb02.com (International Conference on Sustainable Building, Oslo, September 2002).


