Αρχή κειμένου
From 16th to 22nd September 2006 European citizens will have the opportunity to enjoy a full week of events dedicated to sustainable mobility. The objective is to facilitate widespread debate on the necessity for changes in behavior in relation to mobility and in particular the use of the private car. As usual, the Car Free Day will be the highlight of the whole Week.
"CLIMATE CHANGE" will be the central theme for European Mobility Week 2006. Climate change is one of the biggest challenges the world is facing. In Europe, the year 2005 was the one with most threats up to now posed by global warming, mainly in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, but also in Austria and Germany.
Climate change is currently one of the main topics of European environmental and energy policies, the review of the European Climate Change Programme is underway, the Thematic Strategy of the Urban Environment, to be published these days, puts a strong emphasis on transport and (hopefully) refers to climate change, the European climate change campaign coming up in 2006, ...)
Relevance: The year 2005 was named as "Year of Disasters" by the World Meteorological Organisation. Never before, national, regional and local levels were so aware of climate change and that they will have to act, each level according to its means. Also never before, climate change had such a presence/response in media, scientists now dare for the first time to affirm that what we are observing now is definitely due to mankind’s activities, ...
Need for action: Kyoto targets are recognised to be an important, but only a first step. Much more will have to be done and it is clear that more ambitious targets for the Post-Kyoto period have to be adopted (main outcome of Montreal UNFCCC Conference). All other policy levels have also admitted that current policies are by far not enough and that more stringent policies have to be developed. Especially for the local level, consultation with stakeholders and citizens (Local Agenda 21), European Mobility Week could be the occasion to take this up.
Fulfilment of Art. 6 UNFCCC: In Article 6 of the United Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Parties committed themselves to undertake education, training and public awareness raising on climate change. European Mobility Week 2006 would be a perfect occasion for the Member States to contribute to the fulfillment of this article...