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Renewable energy: White Paper laying down a Community strategy and action plan
To attain, by 2010, a minimum penetration of 12% of renewable energy sources in the European Union.
Energy for the future: renewable energy sources - White Paper laying down a Community strategy and action plan
The White Paper follows on from the discussion stimulated by the Green Paper published by the Commission in November 1996. Renewable energy sources may help to reduce dependence on imports and increase security of supply. Positive effects are also foreseeable in terms of C02 emissions and job creation. Renewable energy sources at present account for 6% of the Union's overall gross internal energy consumption. The Union's aim is to double this figure by 2010.
The Union's overall objective requires a major input from the Member States, which must promote wider use of renewable energy sources as far as their potential allows.
The setting of goals in each Member State could encourage efforts to:
• make greater use of the potential available;
• help further cut CO2 levels;
• reduce energy dependence;
• develop the national industry;
• create jobs.
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