Ενότητα :Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές Ενέργειας

Τίτλος : Renewable electricity in the EU countries

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December 7, 2005, the Commission launched its evaluation stating that it does not recommend a fast harmonization of support schemes for renewable electricity in the EU countries. It concludes that the most efficient schemes have been the feed-in schemes, used in a growing number of countries. It also states that the current support is not sufficient to reach the 2010-target of 22% renewable electricity. Read the Communication from the Commission SEC (2005) 1573 In 2004 the Commission concluded that with the measures and policies currently in force in the 15 "old" EU countries, it is not likely that they will meet the overall target of 22% renewable energy. This is part of the communication from the Commission "The share of renewable energy in the EU" (COM 2004-366), May 2004, where it stated stated that there will only be an increase from 14% in 2000 to 18-19% in 2010. Thus, there is an urgent need to implement new measures in the 15 "old" EU countries to reach the target, and thus contributing to the overall renewable energy target and the climate targets...
