Dutch Waste Processing Association (VVAV)
Main Category : Pollution - Wastes
Main Subcategory : Waste incineration
The link is also in these Categories/Subcategories:
Pollution - Wastes / Waste management
Pollution - Wastes / Sanitary landfill (areas)
Technology / Cogeneration of energy and heat
Technology / Waste incineration plants
Link :
Information :
 The Dutch Waste Processing Association (VVAV) represents the interests of composting firms, operators of incineration and landfill facilities and processors of waste in the developing European waste market. The association endeavours to optimalise the conditions under which these companies work to process waste in an environmentally sound and cost-effective manner.

Source of Information :
Independent Organizations
Type of information :
Guides to sources
Official statistics
Various documents
Access to Environmental Information :
Free access
Languages :
Rating :