Environmental Economics
Main Category : Development - Sustainability
Main Subcategory : Sustainability - Economy - Development
The link is also in these Categories/Subcategories:
Development - Sustainability / Employment - Unemployment
Development - Sustainability / Financial instruments/tools
Development - Sustainability / Green taxes (environmental taxes)
Development - Sustainability / Environmental Indicators
Link :
Information :
 One way of using economics is to ensure that the costs and the benefits of environmental measures are well balanced. Although it is difficult to estimate costs and benefits, there is an increasing demand that this is done before new environmental policy is decided on a European level. The economic unit of Environment DG supports the technical units (dealing e.g. with air pollution, water pollution, waste, climate change etc.) in finding such information.

Source of Information :
European Commission (EC)
European Union (EU)
Type of information :
Case studies
Data bases
Directory of electronic sites
Various documents
Access to Environmental Information :
Free access
Full texts
Languages :
Rating :