EARTHFORCRE ORGANIZATION / Green: Global Rivers Environmental Education Network
Main Category : Environmental Education
Main Subcategory : Programs - Activities
The link is also in these Categories/Subcategories:
Natural Environment / Rivers
Natural Environment / Water resources management
Political Ecology - Movements / Volunteerism
Political Ecology - Movements / Communlism - Collaborationism (Political Ecology)
Link :
Information :
 Through Earth Force, youth discover and implement lasting solutions to environmental issues in their community. In the process they develop life-long habits of active citizenship and environmental stewardship. Educators turn to Earth Force for innovative tools to engage young people in community problem solving. The new GREEN website can help you make lasting improvements to your watershed by offering an online monitoring database and community action tool. Designed for monitoring groups and interested browsers alike

Source of Information :
Environmental institutions
Independent Organizations
Type of information :
Data bases
Access to Environmental Information :
Availability after communication
Catalogue or list
Free access
Languages :
Rating :