Category : Source of Information |
Subcategory : European Union (EU)
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This is the web page, which presents the European measures for the Environmental Transboundary effects of industrial accidents |
One way of using economics is to ensure that the costs and the benefits of environmental measures are well balanced. Although it is difficult to estimate costs and benefits, there is an increasing demand that this is done before new environmental policy is decided on a European level. The economic unit of Environment DG supports the technical units (dealing e.g. with air pollution, water pollution, waste, climate change etc.) in finding such information. |
The Committee of the Regions was created by the Maastricht Treaty in 1991. Europe's leaders were afraid that the EU was steaming ahead and leaving the public behind, and that is why they decided to set up a Committee to represent the local and regional authorities. It is certainly no coincidence that the Committee of the Regions and the concept of subsidiary were conceived at the same time, in the same place. |
The project LIFE - Nature '99, is working out in Trichonis lake area, as a goal has the protection of the calcareous fens of lake. Immediate objective of the project is the restoration of sites to a favorable conservation state and increase public awareness. Long term objective of the project is to secure the protection of the Calcareous Fens within the network of strategically located sites. The Calcareous fens is a priority habitat type in Annex I of the Directive 92/43/EEC. The Calcareous Fens are very unstable habitats thus requiring special protection. Calcareous Fens with Cladium mariscus and Carex sp are usually found at lowland areas of lakes and lagoons. The geographic distribution of the Calcareous Fens is limited to some small fresh water systems to Greece. Although the areas it covers are small these biotopes are of scientific interest since it represents unstable and vulnerable habitats. The proposed project aims at implementing management actions, which are essential for the restoration and conservation of the habitat Calcareous Fens, within the NATURA 2000 site Trichonis Lake. |
The Foundation is a European Union body that was set up in 1975 to contribute to the planning and establishment of better living and working conditions. Achieving the European Union goal of improving living and working conditions will only be possible when the policy makers have good quality information. By monitoring, analysing and identifying the impact of changes in society, the Foundation aims to provide the data and knowledge needed to support action |
The Office of National Environmental Network (EPD) and European Environment Agency (EEA) was established in 19-01-95 in the Environmental Planning Division of the Ministry of the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (YPEXODE), based on the 73141/1028 official minister desicion.Main objectives and responsibilities of the 0ffice are: Operation and management of the National Environmental Information Network (EDPP) at national level.
Co-ordination of the information exchange between the national Environmental bodies and the European Environment Agency (EEA) .
Co-ordination and support of the EEA National Focal Point (NFP) activity in Greece
Overall co-ordination of the programmes and systems related to the collection, management and exploitation of environmental information |
Welcome to the European Environmental Law Homepage. Here you can find full text cases,legislation and other materials related to European Environmental Law. Apart from these primary sources, several dossiers and articles offer a more in depth view on specific issues. |
Welcome to the European Environmental Law Homepage. Here you can find full text cases, legislation and other materials related to European Environmental Law. Apart from these primary sources, several dossiers and articles offer a more in depth view on specific issues. |
EUFORES - the European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources - is an independent, non-profit making organisation that aims to promote the use of renewable energy. EUFORES was established to pursue the target outlined in the 1994 “Declaration of Madrid” - a 15% substitution of conventional primary energy demand by renewable energy sources by 2010. |
With the aim of offering a comprehensive picture of EU legislation and the decision-making procedures from their concept to their conclusion,the EUR-Lex website has been extended. |
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