Category : Access to Environmental Information
subcategory : Free access
Records 126 to 150 from 375

126. Climate Action Network
Biosphere - Climate
 The Climate Action Network (CAN) is a global network of over 287 Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels. CAN members work to achieve this goal through the coordination of information exchange and NGO strategy on international, regional and national climate issues. CAN has seven regional coordinating offices which co-ordinate these efforts in Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, Europe, Latin America, North America, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Diverse environmental organizations from around the globe, ranging from large international groups such as World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, to small local groups in developing countries such as Terre Vivante in Mauritania and the Green Coalition in the Philippines, work collaboratively within CAN.
127. International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
Biosphere - Greenhouse effect (Biosphere)
 The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) is a non-profit organization created in June 1999 to establish a functional international framework for trading greenhouse gas emission reductions. Our membership includes leading international companies from across the carbon trading cycle. IETA members seek to development an emissions trading regime that results in real and verifiable greenhouse gas emission reductions balancing economic efficiency with environmental integrity and social equity.
128. The International Institute for Sustainable Development
Development - Sustainability - Green taxes (environmental taxes)
 This site contains a wide variety of information of use to those interested in the topics of ecological tax reform, taxation and subsidy reform, government environmental policies, eco-efficiency, or sustainable development and government policy. Through the annotated bibliography and case studies, it provides tools for people seeking change.
129. Union of Concerned Scientists
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Biotechnology
 UCS is an independent nonprofit alliance of 50,000 concerned citizens and scientists across the country. We augment rigorous scientific analysis with innovative thinking and committed citizen advocacy to build a cleaner, healthier environment and a safer world
130. CADDET Renewable Energy IEA / OECD
Energy - Renewable energy sources
 CADDET Renewable Energy is an International Energy Agency agreement for the exchange of information on commercial renewable energy projects and has been operating since 1993. CADDET stands for Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies.
131. EUFORES, the European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources
Energy - Renewable energy sources
 EUFORES - the European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources - is an independent, non-profit making organisation that aims to promote the use of renewable energy. EUFORES was established to pursue the target outlined in the 1994 “Declaration of Madrid” - a 15% substitution of conventional primary energy demand by renewable energy sources by 2010.
132. World Nuclear Association
Energy - Nuclear energy
 The World Nuclear Association is the global non-governmental trade organisation concerned with nuclear power generation and all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle, including mining, conversion, enrichment, fuel fabrication, plant manufacture, transport and the safe disposition of spent fuel.The WNA serves its Members by facilitating their interaction on matters of commerce, technology and policy, and by promoting wider public understanding of nuclear technology.
133. World Health Organization
Quality of Life - Health
 Founded in 1948, the World Health Organization leads the world alliance for Health for All. A specialized agency of the United Nations with 191 Member States, WHO promotes technical cooperation for health among nations, carries out programmes to control and eradicate disease and strives to improve the quality of human life.
134. The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Natural Environment - Endangered species
 The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre provides information for policy and action to conserve the living world. The Centre's activities include assessment and early warning studies in forest, dryland, freshwater and marine ecosystems. Research on endangered species and biodiversity indicators provide policy-makers with vital knowledge on global trends in conservation and sustainable use of wildlife and their habitats.
135. European Conference of Ministers of Transport
Transports - Transports
 The European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) is an intergovernmental organisation established by a Protocol signed in Brussels on 17 October 1953. It is a forum in which Ministers responsible for transport, and more specifically the inland transport sector, can co-operate on policy. Within this forum, Ministers can openly discuss current problems and agree upon joint approaches aimed at improving the utilisation and at ensuring the rational development of European transport systems of international importance.
136. Earth Day Network
Development - Sustainability - Sustainable Development
 Earth Day Network is the nonprofit coordinating body of worldwide Earth Day activities. Our goal is to promote a healthy environment and a peaceful, just, sustainable world by spreading environmental awareness through educational materials and publications, and by organizing events, activities, and annual campaigns. Our network includes more than 5,000 organizations in 184 countries.
137. The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Environmental law (Science - Knowledge - Rationalism)
 The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) is a public interest, not-for-profit environmental law firm founded in 1989 to strengthen international and comparative environmental law and policy around the world. CIEL provides a full range of environmental legal services in both international and comparative national law, including: policy research and publication, advice and advocacy, education and training, and institution building.
138. Ecosustainable Hub
Development - Sustainability - Sustainable Development
 Ecosustainable Hub's site is intended as our contribution towards ecology, environment and sustainability by providing a one-stop connection to resources and tools that are made available to visitors and researchers without charge. It is also intended to provide a means of introducing Eco Sustainable Developments to a broader audience.
139. British Geological Survey
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Geology
 The British Geological Survey’s mission is to enhance the UK science base by providing knowledge, information, education and training in the geosciences, and promote the public understanding of the relevance of geosciences to resource and environment issues.
140. Mining Minerals and Sustainable Development (MMSD)
Development - Sustainability - Mining - Mine - Pit
 Mining Minerals and Sustainable Development (MMSD) is an independent two-year project of participatory analysis seeking to understand how the mining and minerals sector can best contribute to the global transition to sustainable development. MMSD is managed by the International Institute for Environment and Development in London, UK, under contract to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). The project was initiated by WBCSD and is supported by the Global Mining Initiative (GMI).
Development - Sustainability - Mining - Mine - Pit
 «Mining resources on the Web» constitutes a broad-spectrum database for mining links.
142. Pan European Network of Environmental Observatories for Planning, Education and Research
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Environmental law (Science - Knowledge - Rationalism)
 The PENELOPE project offers a new resource tool designed to assist in understanding how environmental law is being developed and applied within Europe. It is the result of a combined effort by experts in information technology and a number of leading European environmental law institutes.
143. The European Environmental Law Homepage
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Environmental law (Science - Knowledge - Rationalism)
 Welcome to the European Environmental Law Homepage. Here you can find full text cases, legislation and other materials related to European Environmental Law. Apart from these primary sources, several dossiers and articles offer a more in depth view on specific issues.
144. World Meteorological Organization
Biosphere - Climate
 From weather prediction to air pollution research, climate change related activities, ozone layer depletion studies and tropical storm forecasting, the World Meteorological Organization coordinates global scientific activity to allow increasingly prompt and accurate weather information and other services for public, private and commercial use, including international airline and shipping industries. WMO's activities contribute to the safety of life and property, the socio-economic development of nations and the protection of the environment. Within the United Nations, the Geneva-based 185-Member Organization provides the authoritative scientific voice on the state and behaviour of the Earth's atmosphere and climate
145. UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
International Conventions - Law - Legislation - Environmental law (International Contracts)
 The process of developing environmental norms, standards and procedures among Governments rests at the core of UNEP's catalytic role.Thés role of UNEP for the promotion and progressive development of international environmental law has been identified as one of its major functions..
146. World water council
Natural Environment - Water resources management
 The World Water Council is the International Water Policy Think Tank that was founded in 1996, following recommendations issued at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. It brings together more than 300 members from about 40 countries in a unique network. The mission of the WWC is to promote awareness of critical water issues at all levels, including the highest decision-making level, to facilitate efficient conservation, protection, development, planning, management and use of water in all its dimensions on an environmentally sustainable basis for the benefit of all life on the earth.
147. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
Development - Sustainability - Biological cultivation (organic farming)
 We represent the worldwide movement of organic agriculture and provide a platform for global exchange and cooperation. We are committed to a holistic approach in the development of organic farming systems including maintenance of a sustainable environment and respect for the need of humanity. By the expertise of its members IFOAM opens the way for implementation of above aims in everyday life. The federation's main function is coordinating the network of the organic movement around the world. IFOAM is a democratic federation and grassroot oriented. Major activities within IFOAM are carried out by our World Board of Directors, various committees and task forces.
148. Organic - Europe
Development - Sustainability - Biological cultivation (organic farming)
 The internet site was set up by Stiftung Okologie & Landbau, Germany in 2000, and co-funded by the EU-Commision, Agriculture Directorate-General.
149. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Energy - Renewable energy sources
 As the nation's leading center for renewable energy research, NREL is developing new energy technologies to benefit both the environment and the economy.
150. Organic Agriculture at FAO
Development - Sustainability - Organic cultivation
 The aim of this Website is to offer information on organic agriculture available at FAO. It also functions as a "road map" whereby users are directed to other relevant websites.

Records 126 to 150 from 375