Category : Pollution - Wastes
Subcategory : Air pollution
Records 1 to 6 from 6

1. Nearctica's Segment on Environment - Air Pollution :
  The Environment Segment of Nearctica deals with the physical component of the natural world such as air pollution, water pollution, and solid waste.
  'HEALTHY CLEAN BUILDINGS’ is dedicated to the replacing of existing, conventional "TOXIC" and "HAZARDOUS" cleaning chemicals in offices, schools, homes, and public buildings; and to advise parents accordingly about our widely recognized and accredited 'KID-PROOF' "HEALTHY & SAFE" Daily Cleaning Program. This revolutionary cleaning system serves as an effective 'environmentally preferable' alternative to existing "DANGEROUS" cleaning chemicals. Additionally, this program addresses controversial indoor environmental issues such as "Sick Building Syndrome"; "I.A.Q." (Indoor Air Quality); "Multiple Chemical Sensitivities" (MCS); allergic triggers; Respiratory Ailments, such as Asthma; Dust Mite issues; Mold & Mildew conditions; and other similar indoor environmental concerns.
3. University of Minnesota / Environmental Health & Safety (Improving the quality of our work and study environment) :
  This is the web page of the Environmental Health & Safety Department of the University of Minnesota. The “Program Areas” section provides a lot of information about biohazard wastes, hazardous wastes, radiation, indoor air quality, working environment, food and other topics.
4. Enviro-cure Medical services :
  This is the site of Enviro-cure Medical services which contains information on indoor environmental conditions which can be the source for many, severe diseases. “It is also the link between the source and the cure”.
5. Women, health & environment :
  This Anthology is part of a teaching package aimed at enhancing information in the area of women, health and environment, and encouraging teaching and research around the issues it contains. It cannot provide answers to the many difficult questions raised, although we hope that teachers, students, or other users may be inspired to undertake or promote further research on these or similar issues, thus bridging the gaps in existing knowledge in the interrelated areas of women, health and environment.
6. EPA's Indoor Air Quality section :
  Why is the indoor environment important to our health? Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution can damage their health but may not know that indoor air pollution can also have significant effects. EPA studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor air levels of many pollutants may be 2-5 times, and occasionally, more than 100 times higher than outdoor levels. These levels of indoor air pollutants are of particular concern because it is estimated that most people spend as much as 90% of their time indoors.
Records 1 to 6 from 6