University of Minnesota / Environmental Health & Safety (Improving the quality of our work and study environment)
Main Category : Pollution - Wastes
Main Subcategory : Hospital wastes
The link is also in these Categories/Subcategories:
Pollution - Wastes / Working Environment (Pollution - Wastes)
Pollution - Wastes / Hazardous wastes
Pollution - Wastes / Radiation
Pollution - Wastes / Indoor (air) pollution
Link :
Information :
 This is the web page of the Environmental Health & Safety Department of the University of Minnesota. The “Program Areas” section provides a lot of information about biohazard wastes, hazardous wastes, radiation, indoor air quality, working environment, food and other topics.

Source of Information :
Universities - Technical Universities
Type of information :
Data bases
Directory of electronic sites
Guides to sources
Newsletter-Press Release
Pictures - Images
Various official documents
Access to Environmental Information :
Free access
Languages :
Rating :