Category : Pollution - Wastes
Subcategory : Hospital wastes
Records 1 to 5 from 5

1. University of Minnesota / Environmental Health & Safety (Improving the quality of our work and study environment) :
  This is the web page of the Environmental Health & Safety Department of the University of Minnesota. The “Program Areas” section provides a lot of information about biohazard wastes, hazardous wastes, radiation, indoor air quality, working environment, food and other topics.
2. Nuclear Information and Resource Service & World Information Service on Energy :
  The World Information Service on Energy & Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS/WISE) are the information and networking center for citizens and environmental organizations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation, and sustainable energy issues.
3. World Health Organization - Protection of the Human Environment :
  This site presents WHO's work to assist its Member States and their populations in achieving a sustainable basis for health for all by ensuring an environment that promotes health, and by making individuals and organizations aware of their responsibility for health and its environmental basis.
4. The World Information Service on Energy & Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS/WISE) :
  The World Information Service on Energy & Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS/WISE) is the information and networking center for citizens and environmental organizations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation, and sustainable energy issues.
5. Demokritos NCSR :
  Scientific and technological work carried out at NCSR "Demokritos" covers the full spectrum from basic to goal-oriented research as well as development and application of processes and products. The balance between the two extremes of this spectrum varies between Institutes.The following Institutes and Laboratories of Demokritos NCSR are operating: The Institute of Biology with the Hydrobiology laboratory, the Institute of Nuclear Technology-Radiation protection with the laboratories of Solar and other Energy Systems, Environmental Researches and Environment Radioactivity.
Records 1 to 5 from 5