Rating : 4
Records 176 to 200 from 281

176. North American Assocciation for Environmental Education:
Environmental Education - Environmental education
 The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) is a network of professionals, students, and volunteers working in the field of environmental education throughout North America and in over 55 countries around the world. In order to translate theory into practice and to provide support for environmental education and educators, NAAEE offers a variety of programs and activities. These include NAAEE’s Annual Conference, NAAEE publications and on-line services, and EE-Link.
177. Nuclear Information and Resource Service & World Information Service on Energy:
Energy - Nuclear energy
 The World Information Service on Energy & Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS/WISE) are the information and networking center for citizens and environmental organizations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation, and sustainable energy issues.
178. OECD Environment Directorate:
Development - Sustainability - Financial instruments/tools
 The OECD Environment Directorate provides governments with the analytical basis to develop policies that are effective and economically efficient, including through country performance reviews, data collection, policy analysis, projections and modelling, and the development of common approaches.
179. Office of Wastewater Manegement:
Pollution - Wastes - Water pollution
 The United States Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Wastewater Management (OWM) oversees a range of programs contributing to the well-being of the nation's waters and watersheds. Through its programs and initiatives OWM promotes compliances with the requierements of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, commonly referred to as the Clean Water Act.
180. Office to combat desertification and drought:
Biosphere - Decertification (Biosphere)
 The Office to Combat Desertification and Drought of UNDP is responsible for leading and supporting the organization's efforts to promote sustainable human development in the drylands. The Office is located in the Environmentally Sustainable Development Group (ESDG) of the Bureau for Development Policy (BDP). In line with UNDP's new business plan, UNSO will support policy dialogue and institutional capacity building to help countries to integrate dryland issues into national development planning frameworks
181. Offshore-environment.com:
Energy - Oil
 This site provides information on the impact of the offshore oil and gas industry on the ocean environment and living resources
182. Oreivatein:
Natural Environment - Mountains
 The pages you are about to visit are the result of an effort to avail information on the Greek Mountains and the Greek Nature. These pages do not aim to a typical electronic means of information, but are, instead, a stimulus for the creation of a bigger interest in mountaineering expeditions.
183. Oreivatein:
Quality of Life - Mountain climbing
 The pages you are about to visit are the result of an effort to avail information on the Greek Mountains and the Greek Nature. These pages do not aim to a typical electronic means of information, but are, instead, a stimulus for the creation of a bigger interest in mountaineering expeditions.
184. Organic - Europe:
Development - Sustainability - Biological cultivation (organic farming)
 The internet site http://www.organic-europe.net was set up by Stiftung Okologie & Landbau, Germany in 2000, and co-funded by the EU-Commision, Agriculture Directorate-General.
185. Organic Agriculture at FAO:
Development - Sustainability - Organic cultivation
 The aim of this Website is to offer information on organic agriculture available at FAO. It also functions as a "road map" whereby users are directed to other relevant websites.
186. Organic Farming Research Foundation:
Development - Sustainability - Biological cultivation (organic farming)
 To sponsor research related to organic farming practices, to disseminate research results to organic farmers and to growers interested in adopting organic production systems, to educate the public and decision-makers about organic farming issues.
187. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD:
Development - Sustainability - Sustainability - Economy - Development
 This part of our web site introduces the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and describes how it works. The OECD groups 30 member countries in an organisation that, most importantly, provides governments a setting in which to discuss, develop and perfect economic and social policy. They compare experiences, seek answers to common problems and work to co-ordinate domestic and international policies that increasingly in today's globalised world must form a web of even practice across nations. Their exchanges may lead to agreements to act in a formal way - for example, by establishing legally-binding codes for free flow of capital and services, agreements to crack down on bribery or to end subsidies for shipbuilding.
188. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons:
Pollution - Wastes - Chemical - Biological weapons
 This site is provided and maintained by the Secretariat of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, a Secretariat set up to undertake the implementation on the international level of the provisions of the CWC. The Site is primarily intended for the National Authorities, which will be responsible for the national implementation of the CWC
189. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries:
Energy - Oil
 This is the official web site of OPEC, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. OPEC's eleven members are all heavily reliant on oil export revenues. They therefore seek stable oil prices that are fair and reasonable for both producers and consumers of oil
190. Pan European Network of Environmental Observatories for Planning, Education and Research:
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Environmental law (Science - Knowledge - Rationalism)
 The PENELOPE project offers a new resource tool designed to assist in understanding how environmental law is being developed and applied within Europe. It is the result of a combined effort by experts in information technology and a number of leading European environmental law institutes.
191. Pan-Hellenic Network of Ecological Organizations:
Political Ecology - Movements - Ecological organizations
 The Pan-Hellenic Network of Ecological Organizations, representing the largest part of Environmental Organizations throughout Greece, acquired legal status in June 1988. Members of the Pan-Hellenic Network of Ecological Organizations are only legal entities (associations or urban non-profit organizations which have acquired legal status - but not natural persons), whose main purpose is the protection of the environment. Today, our Network includes 50 member Environmental Organizations, geographically distributed throughout the whole of the Greek State. Additionally, a large number of environmental organizations from all over the country cooperate with us concerning matters of their own interest.
192. Pro Geo – European Association for the Conservation of the Geological and Geomorphological Heritage:
Natural Environment - Geological Land
 Pro Geo – European Association for the Conservation of the Geological and Geomorphological Heritage is working to promote the protection of Europe's typical and important landscapes, as well as its many-faceted inheritance of geological phenomena, all of the greatest scientific and cultural importance as Europe was the birthplace of the science of geology.
193. Project LIFE - Nature '99 Actions for the protection of the calcareous fens of lake:
Natural Environment - Natural wetlands
 The project LIFE - Nature '99, is working out in Trichonis lake area, as a goal has the protection of the calcareous fens of lake. Immediate objective of the project is the restoration of sites to a favorable conservation state and increase public awareness. Long term objective of the project is to secure the protection of the Calcareous Fens within the network of strategically located sites. The Calcareous fens is a priority habitat type in Annex I of the Directive 92/43/EEC. The Calcareous Fens are very unstable habitats thus requiring special protection. Calcareous Fens with Cladium mariscus and Carex sp are usually found at lowland areas of lakes and lagoons. The geographic distribution of the Calcareous Fens is limited to some small fresh water systems to Greece. Although the areas it covers are small these biotopes are of scientific interest since it represents unstable and vulnerable habitats. The proposed project aims at implementing management actions, which are essential for the restoration and conservation of the habitat Calcareous Fens, within the NATURA 2000 site Trichonis Lake.
194. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise:
Anthropogenic Environment - Noise
 The European Commission has presented a proposal for a Directive on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise with the aim of providing a basis for a coherent, integrated EU policy on environmental noise. The proposal introduces measures to classify and understand the problems caused by noise, as a necessary step to preparing future concrete meásures to reduce noise pollution. The Commission is launching the idea of making EU-wide 'noise maps' based on common methods and indicators. These maps should be made available to the public. They should form the basis for development of action plans and strategies at local, national and EU levels to combat noise pollution.
195. Rain Forest Aerial Tram:
Quality of Life - Eco-tourism
 The «Rain Forest Aerial Tram» is a unique ecotourism and research facility which opened in October of 1994.Visitors from around the world ride the tram on a fascinating excursion through the rain forest canopy and its changing gardens of plants and animals hidden at the tops of tall tropical trees.
196. Rainforest Action Network:
Natural Environment - Tropical forests (Natural Environment)
 Rainforest Action Network works to protect the Earth's rainforests and support the rights of their inhabitants through education, grassroots organizing, and non-violent direct action. Since it was founded in 1985, the Rainforest Action Network has been working to protect rainforests and the human rights of those living in and around those forests. From the beginning, RAN has played a key role in strengthening the worldwide rainforest conservation movement through supporting activists in rainforest countries as well as organizing and mobilizing consumers and community action groups throughout the United States. Our first challenge was to bring the plight of the rainforests to public attention through education, communication, and direct action.
Biosphere - Ecogeography (Biosphere)
 This is the Remote Sensing and Ecological Geography section of the Department of Physical Geography Stockholm University
198. REMPEC (Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Center):
Pollution - Wastes - Marine pollution
 In order to enforce Co-operation in Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Oil and other harmful Substances in cases of Emergency, a Regional Centre, now called REMPEC(Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Center), was created in 1976 and based in Malta.
199. RISC (Risk Identification of Soil Contamination):
Pollution - Wastes - Soil pollution
 In the period 1991–1994 the RISC (= Risk Identification of Soil Contamination) project was carried out. The objective of this project was the development of a framework for a knowledge-based system for risk identification of individual contaminated sites. The created RISC-framework uses expertise on presence and behaviour of contaminants in soils in order to predict potential risks for man and environment.
200. School Gardens - Urban Agriculture Notes:
Environmental Education - School garden
 This website contains information (books, organizations and even conferences) about school gardening.

Records 176 to 200 from 281