Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise
Main Category : Anthropogenic Environment
Main Subcategory : Noise
The link is also in these Categories/Subcategories:
International Conventions - Law - Legislation / Law - Degrees
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Information :
 The European Commission has presented a proposal for a Directive on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise with the aim of providing a basis for a coherent, integrated EU policy on environmental noise. The proposal introduces measures to classify and understand the problems caused by noise, as a necessary step to preparing future concrete meásures to reduce noise pollution. The Commission is launching the idea of making EU-wide 'noise maps' based on common methods and indicators. These maps should be made available to the public. They should form the basis for development of action plans and strategies at local, national and EU levels to combat noise pollution.

Source of Information :
European Commission (EC)
European Council
Type of information :
Data bases
Newsletter-Press Release
Various documents
Access to Environmental Information :
Free access
Full texts
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