Kastorias Center for Environmental Education
Main Category : Environmental Education
Main Subcategory : Centers for environmental education
The link is also in these Categories/Subcategories:
Environmental Education / Programs - Activities
Quality of Life / Quality of life
Link :
Information :
 The objectives of the Center are: to stimulate young people's thought to environmental issues so as positive attitudes and co-operational behavior to be developed towards the protection of the ecological balance and sustainable development. This is accomplished by the implementation of 1-6 day-E.E. Programs for each primary and secondary school that visits the Center and informal, extracurricular programs for other youth groups. Through these programs students get involved in a collective procedure of learning and become aware of the environmental issues and willing to take up action towards the protection of the natural habitat.

Source of Information :
Environmental institutions
Type of information :
Pictures - Images
Access to Environmental Information :
Availability after communication
Free access
Languages :
Rating :