Category : Language |
Subcategory : Greek
Records 1 to 25 from 45
The Sewerage Authority of Thessaloniki is responsible for the collection and treatment of wastewater and storm water throughout the whole area of Greater Thessaloniki. In June 1997, it was converted to a limited company and preparations are now being made for its merger with the Water Authority of Thessaloniki |
The National Agricultural Research Foundation (N.AG.RE.F.) is the national body responsible for agricultural research and technology in Greece, functioning as a Legal Private Entity sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture. It was established in 1989 under the Decree 1845/1989 entitled ?Development and Exploitation of Agricultural Research and Technology |
The Greek Society for Archaeometry is a non profit Association founded on 1982. Its purpose is to promote the application of Science and Technology to the fields of Archaeology , History of Art and generally in all issues involving the cultural heritage. GSA members form the overwhelming majority of scholars engaged in such activities, in Universities, Archaeological Service and Research Centres as well as in the private sector.
Since its founding in 1982, GSA activities include the organisation of three Conferences on Archaeometry in Greece (Athens 1990, Thessaloniki 1993, Athens 1996) as well as numerous seminars, public lectures and a detailed survey on Greek Archaeometry activities. |
Its basic intention is to support the institution of environmental education and to make both pupils and the local society sensitive to what concerns ecological balance, quality of life and sustainable development. |
The aim of the center is to support the environmental education in the regions of the Ionian Sea and Western Greece generally.
It provides educational programs for students and teachers of both primary and secondary education.
The production of educational and informative material.
Co-operation with governmental and non-governmental bodies.
Co-operation with scientific and local bodies.
Development of local actions and co-operations.
Development of international co-operations with abroad.
Organization of educational programs for the promotions of Environmental Education. |
The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs provides a limited english version of its Web Server, in order to accomodate non-Greek speaking users. |
The objectives of the Center are:
to stimulate young people's thought to environmental issues so as positive attitudes and co-operational behavior to be developed towards the protection of the ecological balance and sustainable development. This is accomplished by the implementation of 1-6 day-E.E. Programs for each primary and secondary school that visits the Center and informal, extracurricular programs for other youth groups. Through these programs students get involved in a collective procedure of learning and become aware of the environmental issues and willing to take up action towards the protection of the natural habitat. |
Welcome to the electronic site of the Regulatory Authority of Energy (RAE) the independent administrative authority under the supervision of the Ministry of Development. RAE is responsible for the supervision and regulation of the function of the Energy section in Greece. |
The electronic page of ministry for Agriculture presents the structure of the ministry, the institutions which are under the ministry's supervision and provides even more information about the ministry's services for the users of the page. |
The Athens Urban Transport Organisation (OASA) was founded in 1977 and is a Legal Entity of Private Law. It is totally owned by the Greek State, applying the principles of Private Economy and performing for the public benefit under the supervision and control of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. |
Established in 1951, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions originated from the conviction that local and regional authorities have a fundamental role to play in the realization of the European Union. They provide popular support for Europe through the efforts of local politicians who are the elected representatives closest to the citizens. Today, CEMR brings together more than 100 000 local and regional authorities in Europe, federated through 42 large national associations of local and regional authorities in 29 countries |
This is The Pindos International Center For GeoSciences and Environmental Field Research website. The Center is owned by the County of Grevena and Township of Ziakas and it is hosting the Jean Brunn Geological Observatory. |
PRISMA was set up in 1989 as an independent consultancy specialising in the areas of local and regional development, the labour market and the SMEs, public and social sector management planning and research, as well as in the evaluation and management of development programmes and projects. Its research work covers the areas of human resources, social policy and culture. |
The goal of Project WET is to facilitate and promote awareness, appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of water resources through the development and dissemination of classroom-ready teaching aids and through the establishment of state and internationally sponsored Project WET programs. |
The PENELOPE project offers a new resource tool designed to assist in understanding how environmental law is being developed and applied within Europe. It is the result of a combined effort by experts in information technology and a number of leading European environmental law institutes. |
“AMPHIBION” is a sixteen-page bimonthly newsletter, first published in April 1993. Since August 1997, the second period of publication has started with financial support from the Greek Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. The objectives of AMPHIBION are the environmental public awareness and the information on renewable natural resources. It is edited in 7000 copies and the main themes are management of natural resources, information about protected areas, activities of EKBY and other environmental organizations, forthcoming conferences, etc. |
The EKPAZ Hellenic Wildlife Hospital is a civic non-profit association. It is the first institution, which was granted the permission to possession, transportation and nursing of wild animals. It has being working on wild animal rehabilitation programs since 1984 and has introduced a new idea of a nursing and wild fauna protection system/network. Collaborators, volunteers, branches from the whole country have joined together in this effort. Till today it has nursed almost 20.000 wild animals, the majority of which is a protected species. Most of the species were released back to their natural environment. Ekpaz has nursed more than 3000 wild animals in the country during the last two years. |
One of the most ambitious and important projects ever to be realized for the capital of Greece. The "Unification of Archaeological sites of Athens S.A." aims at the rehabilitation of the historic, cultural and architectural identity of the city. |
The internet site was set up by Stiftung Okologie & Landbau, Germany in 2000, and co-funded by the EU-Commision, Agriculture Directorate-General. |
In order to promote the principles of sustainable development in the sensitive area of the Mediterranean Regions of the European Union (Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal) deemed it advisable to join and create an International Non Governmental Organization, the Center of Euro-Mediterranean Regions for the Environment (MedRegion-Cepe). The MedRegio-Cepe was founded on March 10,1995 with its headquarters in Athens. |
|| is a fresh internet site, which aims at becoming an up-to-date and complete database of information concerning bioclimatic energy planning, renewable energy sources, energy preservation, as well as the study, construction, purchase and equipment of buildings that can meet up to the modern needs for housing or the business demands. |
With the aim of offering a comprehensive picture of EU legislation and the decision-making procedures from their concept to their conclusion,the EUR-Lex website has been extended. |
|| website is presenting the great work of the Bridge Rio-Antirio which shall cross the Corinthian Gulf strait near Patras, Greece. |
The Office of National Environmental Network (EPD) and European Environment Agency (EEA) was established in 19-01-95 in the Environmental Planning Division of the Ministry of the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (YPEXODE), based on the 73141/1028 official minister desicion.Main objectives and responsibilities of the 0ffice are: Operation and management of the National Environmental Information Network (EDPP) at national level.
Co-ordination of the information exchange between the national Environmental bodies and the European Environment Agency (EEA) .
Co-ordination and support of the EEA National Focal Point (NFP) activity in Greece
Overall co-ordination of the programmes and systems related to the collection, management and exploitation of environmental information |
The pages you are about to visit are the result of an effort to avail information on the Greek Mountains and the Greek Nature. These pages do not aim to a typical electronic means of information, but are, instead, a stimulus for the creation of a bigger interest in mountaineering expeditions. |
Records 1 to 25 from 45