Category : Type of information |
Subcategory : Directory of electronic sites
Records 251 to 275 from 312
The International Vegetarian Union is a non-profit making organisation with membership open to any non-profit organisation that advocates vegetarianism and is governed exclusively by vegetarians. A Supporter of IVU may be any individual, family or organisation that supports the aims and objectives of IVU, regardless of whether they are vegetarian or not. This particular section of the library concers "World Hunger / Famine Relief ". |
Tax World is provided as a public service to Internet users and its primary mission is providing links to tax information from state, federal, and international taxing authorities on the Internet. In addition to the practical tax information (tax forms, regulations, IRS code, etc.) Tax World provides users information regarding tax policy, history, and links to tax databases around the world. Tax World is funded by its creator and director, thus, the content of and links provided in Tax World are at the sole discretion of its creator and director. |
International Rivers Network supports local communities working to protect their rivers and watersheds. We work to halt destructive river development projects, and to encourage equitable and sustainable methods of meeting needs for water, energy and flood management |
Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory is the result of a group of hard working people dedicated to helping others keep in touch and informed on the World Wide Web. With thousands of sites, it is the largest exclusively environmental organization directory on the Web and includes sites from over 100 countries. Our goal is simple - to make it easy for people from around the world to find your web page. |
Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory is the result of a group of hard working people dedicated to helping others keep in touch and informed on the World Wide Web. With thousands of sites, it is the largest exclusively environmental organization directory on the Web and includes sites from over 100 countries. Our goal is simple - to make it easy for people from around the world to find your web page. |
The World Commission on Dams, comprising an international team of experts, is a focused, independent think tank set up and financed by aid agencies, industry, governments, and NGOs to look at the good, the bad and the ugly impacts of dams around the world. Established in 1998, the Commission's mandate is to research, peer review and write the most independent, authoritative and comprehensive cross-examination of dams and water and energy resource development ever undertaken |
This site is designed specifically to provide, in one place, as many links as possible to sources of information about tax systems around the world. Many of these web sites are newly-created, and hard to find. Every conceivable search engine had to be used to gather them, since no one method of searching was found to yield more than a few. Monitoring these URL's, as well as continually searching for new, similar resources as they come on line, is an ongoing effort. |
T&E is a European umbrella for non-governmental organisations working in the field of transport and the environment, promoting sustainable transport in Europe; which means an approach to transport that is environmentally responsible, economically sound and socially just. |
One way of using economics is to ensure that the costs and the benefits of environmental measures are well balanced. Although it is difficult to estimate costs and benefits, there is an increasing demand that this is done before new environmental policy is decided on a European level. The economic unit of Environment DG supports the technical units (dealing e.g. with air pollution, water pollution, waste, climate change etc.) in finding such information. |
Ecosustainable Hub's site is intended as our contribution towards ecology, environment and sustainability by providing a one-stop connection to resources and tools that are made available to visitors and researchers without charge. It is also intended to provide a means of introducing Eco Sustainable Developments to a broader audience. |
The WHO Healthy Cities project is a long-term international development project that aims to place health high on the agenda of decision-makers in the cities of Europe and to promote comprehensive local strategies for health and sustainable development based on the principles and objectives of the strategy for health for all for the twenty-first century and local Agenda 21. Ultimately, the Healthy Cities project seeks to enhance the physical, mental, social and environmental wellbeing of the people who live and work in cities. |
INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN CLIMBING SCHOOL offers the most comprehensive climbing programs in the Eastern United States dedicated exclusively to technical mountaineering, rock and ice climbing, international treks and expeditions. |
Welcome to the Environmental Defender's Office (WA) internet site. The EDO (WA) was opened in March 1996 and is part of a national network of non-profit public interest legal centres specialising in environmental law. |
This is the Cartoons website of Chris Madden on the following subjects: outerspace, environment, gardening, science, art, the meaning of life, and more. |
The INTERNATIONAL WINE ACADEMY Inc . was originally conceived as the Wine Information Bureau, Perth, Western Australia, 1974. The name was changed to Wine Australia and eventually to I.W.A. in the late seventies |
The Research of the Meteorology Team concerns the surface fluxes of heat, water and momentum over the global ocean. |
The Trails and Open Space Coalition is a non-profit organization working to preserve open space and create a network of trails in the Pikes Peak region. We work cooperatively with local and regional governments, community organizations, businesses, families and individuals who share the vision of an interconnected network of trails, greenways and open space. We do this through advocacy, education, fundraising and volunteer programs. |
This section focuses on world environmental law for more information on environmental law within the United States, please see the section of United States. |
The Greek Society for Archaeometry is a non profit Association founded on 1982. Its purpose is to promote the application of Science and Technology to the fields of Archaeology , History of Art and generally in all issues involving the cultural heritage. GSA members form the overwhelming majority of scholars engaged in such activities, in Universities, Archaeological Service and Research Centres as well as in the private sector.
Since its founding in 1982, GSA activities include the organisation of three Conferences on Archaeometry in Greece (Athens 1990, Thessaloniki 1993, Athens 1996) as well as numerous seminars, public lectures and a detailed survey on Greek Archaeometry activities. |
For more than three decades, the Environmental Law Institute has played a pivotal role in shaping the fields of environmental law, policy, and management, domestically and abroad. Today, ELI is an internationally recognized, independent research and education center |
"Make a difference -- for your health and the health of the planet -- by using to comparison shop with the environment in mind. Our low-cost subscriptions will let you look up Green Scores for every car, van, pickup, and SUV on the market." |
CLEMANCE Clean Environmental Management Center is an environmental technology transfer organisation based at the University of Teesside. The Centre has been established to provide Clean Technology solutions to industry, in particular to Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs). Clean Technology reduces pollution at source, often leading to significant economic and business benefits to the company concerned. |
This website National Strategy on Environmental Education and Sustainability will give you an opportunity to read what has been said about this topic over the last several years, and to respond to a questionnaire which will help us in the next steps. We are now analyzing each and every questionnaire |
The Global Mining Initiative (GMI) is a programme by the world's leading mining and metals companies to develop their industry's role in the transition to sustainable development. The programme will contribute to preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa in September 2002. |
The goal of Project WET is to facilitate and promote awareness, appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of water resources through the development and dissemination of classroom-ready teaching aids and through the establishment of state and internationally sponsored Project WET programs. |
Records 251 to 275 from 312